Golden Sunrise

A lovely shot nice and crisp
A nice shot Danny, that's well exposed. The sun, FG pebbles and pools all seems to be waited to the right hand side of the image though, leaving the left hand side quite messey and out of place IMHO. A square crop eliminating the LHS may work better, bringing the elements all together. :)
Thanks for the feedback Paul - much appreciated.

I know what you mean re the crop - I've got some portrait shots of the same scene and they're definitely less busy than this landscape orientation. Tbh the only reason I included the rocks on the left was due to the light reflecting off them.....I'm a sucker for nice light :)
very well executed, looks perfectly composed. Did you crop using the fibonacci spiral?
That is a fantastic shot, I wonder how it would have worked with a 10 stop filter in it ?.


Great shot Danny is this with the tamron what filter set up did you use please.