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Went to the office to get my camera to try learn more about it, looked out of the window and this little chap was having lunch. Never seen one in our garden before.

I know nothing about birds and would appreciate any input, thanks.

Oh bless, he/she came back for more!

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It can become addictive :D

The second one is probably a little too tightly cropped, but both are well exposed and in focus (y)
It can become addictive :D

The second one is probably a little too tightly cropped, but both are well exposed and in focus (y)

Thanks, I did think about the second being a bit tight but I thought the original shot was a bit wishy washy. Here is the original.

Really appreciate your comments.


simon. :)
I remember my first Goldie, love them!

I found an old branch and fixed it to the fence post and hung the feeder off the end, allowed for some nice perched shots before going into the feeder itself which make for better images to view back ;)
My favo birds, lush shots. can i ask what seed is in the feeder?
Thanks, I can't remember but I can find out today, I poured the feed into a big container and threw away the packet!

Sunflower hearts, the black ones basically with the shell stripped off already (less mess)
I think you could be right, when I bought it I asked for something that wouldn't sprout too much when the seeds fell onto the ground. When these do spill I'm pretty sure she said all we'd get would be sunflowers.
Yeah, went and checked Dan is right they are Sunflower seeds. They must love them because less than an hour after taking these shots we had three in the garden.