Good books ??

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Any suggestions for someone just starting back with film, and essentially black and white ?
I will be doing some landscape stuff, and also some Jane Bown type, if I can flatter myself that much (she is a portrait photographer - available light, simple as anything approach, one lens, and total sympathy with her subjects)
What do you suggest ?
Some basic technique would be good - ie what filters for what light do what to a negative, as would some books of pictures - yes, I will look for a Jane Bown book !!
faces was by jane bown ,asked my wife to get it for me but she never did .must give her a slap and tell her to get it for me .( okay she slaps me , )
Have you looked for it - I did a little googling, and it seems that a S/H copy of the paperback can be got for 95 quid...........................!
Might be cheaper elsewhere, but I stopped looking after seeing that..!
Steve , didnt think your reply was for me .,then did the same as you ,,,,,jeeeez , we actualy had faces ordered ,was about fifteen quid but it took so long to get to me ( well it didnt in the end ) wife canceled it and said she would get it somewhere else , but never got round to it. ******** is the official term for my discontent i believe .Andy.
Ansel Adams, The Film, The print, The negative - The complete Bible to film !! 3 seperate books.
Agreed. Except that the books are the Camera, the Negative and the Print.

published by Little , Brown and Company of Boston on behalf of the New York Graphic Society.
For those of you trying out film, particularly B&W I can recommend ‘Photographic Printing’ by Gene Nocon. It’s out of print now; so you will have to hunt round for a copy; but it’s well worth the effort.
I got this book after I had bought and read the Ansel Adams books, it helped greatly transferring the zone system to role film. If I could only have one book on this subject this would be the one.

That's weird Magellan, I just dug that one out of the loft a couple of days ago for a read :)
Magellan - just found a copy and it is on its way to me now !
Sprog - have let it be known that I want Lee Frosts book to a certain person who owes me a present !
I got my copy of the shelf yesterday, had a quick flick through it; and spent the rest of the day pricing film cameras on ebay :LOL:
