Good horror films...

Eight Legged Freaks on Sky Sci Fi & Horror HD followed by Friday 13th...pt2/3/4 as it's Friday 13th today :eek:
A Tale of Two Sisters (Janghwa, Hongryeon) (2003)
Audition (1999)
Battle Royale (2000)
Oldboy (2003)
Suicide Club (2001)
Visitor Q (2001)

I would agree here, for real horror Hollywood is not the place (although not sure I would categorise either Oldboy or Visitor Q as horror, they are both excellent).
I'd add Three...Extremes to the list.

If you want violent and disturbing then the Spanish film Irreversible would fit the bill. However, that's not a recommendation as such, because having watched it I then wanted to scrub it from my brain.

I also like watching the old Hammer Horror films with varying degrees of appreciation. Some are rubbish, and some are really good. Can't think of any names though off the top of my head.
Picked up the DVD of 'Quatermass and the pit' the other day,had seen it a few times over the years and thought it a good one....even though the pre cgi 'martian grasshoppers' were pants :D
If you want violent, sick, disturbing.....

A serbian film.


Watch at your own risk, not pleasant stuff.
Swedish film subtitled. A young boy befriends a neighbouring young girl[?] who turns out to be a vampire. He's being bullied at school and she helps him out. The girls father [or guardian?] acquires the blood she needs by doing the killing, but when he is in danger of being found out he kills himself, and the girl has to resort to her own killing.

I know this thread is all about films but I STRONGLY recommend reading the book over the film (or at least before). The cinematography of the film is beautiful but it's obviously an interpretation of the book and misses out an important bit of the storyline imo.
I know this thread is all about films but I STRONGLY recommend reading the book over the film (or at least before). The cinematography of the film is beautiful but it's obviously an interpretation of the book and misses out an important bit of the storyline imo.

I found out about the book storyline after watching the film and researching it on a forum. I must say I completely missed that bit, as would most people I think.
I may be able to top that then. A Japanese film and it has some seriosuly sick, gratuitous scenes.

I've seen that. It's pretty rough but it's not filmed as beautifully as "a serbian film" and it doesn't have that same... psychotic vibe. My problem with extreme Japanese movies is they are always so badly filmed, and never have that level of horrific visual wonder that the Euro ones have. God that sounds odd! And its a bloody travesty that they are calling it the "asian Martyrs" You cant compare that horrifically dumb story to Martyrs.

There are also the August underground series, they are pretty rough, not much doesn't happen in those.... Then there's Salo, cannibal holocaust etc... Although they are quite tame compared to others in the genre.

These movies make hostel look like postman pat.
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I'm a bit late joining this party, but I'm glad that my all time favourite film has got a mention here - I absolutely love Alien. I was about 10 when I watched it for the first time, but it's stayed with me as a huge favourite.

Also another vote for The Thing (the 1982 version) - Glad that one has made the list.

I know that you've rejected the Saw films, but if you're basing this on having seen the later sequels, I'd recommend the original.
The sequels got very tedious, but the original is actually far more psychological than out and out gore . . . most of it is left to your imagination.

Slightly off topic, but for those of you who have added The Descent to the list, I highly recommend Jeff Long's novel by the same name. (y) (y) (y)
One of my favourite books. The film borrows slightly from the mythology of the novel, but has little link to the story. In fact after reading the book I was hugely disappointed by the film.

If you want something more modern, one of the best recent horror films I've seen is The Triangle.
I don't think it's had particularly great reviews, but I really enjoyed it.
My scariest

The Texas Chainsaw Massace (Tobe Hoopers cut)
The Exorcist
The Evil Dead
The Innocents

The Thing (more sci fi though)
Can't really recommend much as I don't find a lot of films that scary. A few years ago I saw a film called 'The Amityville Horror' which was fairly unpleasant.
Hostel, Hostel 2.
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I remember the original Black Christmas being pant-pooingly scary, but as I was only 15 at the time, it would probably turn out to be total pants now.....
The Thing has the best exploding dog scene ever put to celluloid, and is Kurt Russell's finest hour. Classic in every way - the non-CGI effects add to the visceral feel. Along with Jaws [which is quite a respectable thriller in its own right, remember] and 13 Days [a superb cold-war epic drama, but not a horror] it's one of my fave films of alltime.

If Sci-Fi horror is your bag, I'd recommend a relatively low-budget film called Cube, which is both ingenious and memorable. Well worth hunting down.
the mist (remake) is good

and have to say that American werewolf in london is a personal fav. also
blair witch is good too
the mist (remake) is good

and have to say that American werewolf in london is a personal fav. also
blair witch is good too

All good films, but if you're referring to the Frank Darabont 2008 release 'The Mist' then it's not a remake at all - but the first film adaptation of the Stephen King short story from the book Skeleton Crew.

Good film, but I would have preferred it to have stuck with the book's ending - one of uncertainty rather than bleakness... man, what an ending...
If Sci-Fi horror is your bag, I'd recommend a relatively low-budget film called Cube, which is both ingenious and memorable. Well worth hunting down.

Agree with this. Cube was fab (don't bother with the sequels).

Hellraiser is one of my all time faves

All good films, but if you're referring to the Frank Darabont 2008 release 'The Mist' then it's not a remake at all - but the first film adaptation of the Stephen King short story from the book Skeleton Crew.

Good film, but I would have preferred it to have stuck with the book's ending - one of uncertainty rather than bleakness... man, what an ending...

Agree about the ending!!

Night of the Demon - early 60s - is very good as is Dead of Night a compendium film with the scariest ventriloquists dummy on celluloid!!!
Grotesque (2009) if you can find it uncut.
Gurotesuhu is Japanese title.
If you like torture films that is.
The Haunting (1963) - ignore the 70’s & 90’s remakes

This film is what a supernatural story should be - forgoing the usual barrage of special effects and buckets of blood, and relying on excellent cinematography to achieve the scares. The black and white combined with unique camera angles give Hill House an eerie appearance. The film manages to build tension steadily without ever showing the 'ghost,' therefore leaving you on the edge of your seat throughout. Watch it alone at night with the lights off, compared to today’s wham bam cram it all in from the start films it’s a little slow at times but worth watching.