Goodwood Revival Air Displays

Cracking set. When I manage to get a new job with more hours I hope to buy a decent zoom lens and attend some air shows. I have the 55-250mm canon lens at the moment. Could do with something 400+
Some really nice shots. Don't suppose you have any more of the Lancaster? I only ask as I was in the tail-gun at the time photographing the Spitfires!
I couldn't quite believe it myself to be honest. I've spent the last week as crew and photographer, and if I didn't have 6GB worth of stills and 100+GB of GoPro footage I'd swear I'd dreamed the whole experience. I might put them up here, but they've got to be cleared by our Media/Comms Officer first, and they may not get officially released until the 2013 brochure does. Frustrating really as I'm happy with the set and it would be nice to see how the public reacts to them.

Sorry for off-topic, I'm just trying to gather as many exterior shots of my time onboard as I can as a keep-sake!
If there was ever a more graceful looking plane than the Spitfire then I have yet to see it. No.3 for me...
Hi Graham

I will certainly have more, but will need a bit of time to sort them out as like you I have many gigs of images to go through. I will get them sorted over the next week and post any more good ones to my website, link in signature.

Hi Graham

I really hope you are allowed to give us a preview of your tail gunner shots.

This was Saturday afternoon - BIG crop - is that your head??


Hi David, if that's from Saturday then it is indeed! The images have now been approved by BBMF, but as they're for the 2013 brochure they're now in the hands of the man who puts it together. Once he's decided which ones he wants to keep quiet, BBMF will then start trickling the others out and I'll try to get them up on here. Thanks again.