
I've been using the +1 button on the website for a while, not convinced by all of this though, I keep thinking 'Google Wave'.
Google Wave was brilliant. It was just completely over the head of the general public who couldn't work out exactly what it was supposed to do!

I like the idea of being able to seperate your contact into different "circles" with this, that'd be handy. "Huddle" looks a good feature as well.
Yes I prefer the idea of being able to separate the contacts as you wish.
i'm waiting for an invite also, If I get in I'll give ya heads up, and should be able to invite you

I'd like an invite if anyone comes by one, it looks pretty amazing doesn't it! :)
Enough people hate Facebook, and enough people are currently leaving Facebook, that I think Google+ stands a good chance of being a success. They've stated that they're in it long-term and don't intend to dump it if it doesn't work. Looks like they might listen to the users this time. I'll be jumping on there feet-first as soon as my invite arrives.
Google Wave was brilliant. It was just completely over the head of the general public who couldn't work out exactly what it was supposed to do!

I like the idea of being able to seperate your contact into different "circles" with this, that'd be handy. "Huddle" looks a good feature as well.

Google Wave was supposed to replace e-mail...... problem is it was totally non-backwards compatible with it. You cant just introduce a new product that requires you to be friends with someone before interacting and expect it to take off overnight.
Google Wave was supposed to replace e-mail...... problem is it was totally non-backwards compatible with it. You cant just introduce a new product that requires you to be friends with someone before interacting and expect it to take off overnight.

thats why myspace, bebo and facebook where all hits though :LOL:
Finally got myself in. I think I can invite people, just need some test subjects? ;-) pm with your gmail address and I'll see what I can do.
Must say it's pretty nifty. I've just discovered that if you click on someones photo, and go to photo details. It will tell you all the details about the photo such as focal length, iso, exposure time, camera it was taken with, etc. Pretty clever.

Invites still going out if needed.
Must say it's pretty nifty. I've just discovered that if you click on someones photo, and go to photo details. It will tell you all the details about the photo such as focal length, iso, exposure time, camera it was taken with, etc. Pretty clever.

Invites still going out if needed.

and a histogram lol
Send across a PM with your gmail address and I'll get one sorted.
All invites are up to date. If you're having trouble getting on once you click the learn more in the email look to the top left of the screen and in the black navbar should be the word "You+" click that and it will let you register.
Cheers for the invite, unfortunately it still says they've exceeded capacity though.
Thanks, it seems I'm up and running, just got to work out what to do with it!
Anyone else having any success with inviting others. It appears to be closed for my invites just now, even through the exploit.
Anyone else having any success with inviting others. It appears to be closed for my invites just now, even through the exploit.

No I can't invite at the moment, just tried to but it doesn't have the invite option at the mo.
One of the folk I invited this afternoon has managed to register tonight.
One of the folk I invited this afternoon has managed to register tonight.

Fantastic. Any idea if they had to do anything special or if they just checked back after a while and were lucky?
Invites don't seem to be working for me at the moment or at least theres almost a day delay. Will invite others once the delay has been caught up and I know for certain it's reopened
thats why myspace, bebo and facebook where all hits though :LOL:

Yeah but google has tried and failed several times to penetrate the Social Networking side of things. You need users and my marketing it as a replacement to e-mail and not allowing any integration with existing systems was short sighted.
If anyone has an invite, i'd be interested, thanks. (y)