got my new toy

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picked up my 1Dmlll today :D
sold my 50D and 1dmll to fund it as I just wasnt using both bodies. and decided to upgrade.
first impresions are very good, more easy to use control buttons, love the bigger screen , auto focus is faster and it feels lighter to.
anyone got any tips I need to know??
try out the different focus tracking sensitivities, it can make a difference. Also, read the manual to make sure you understand all the custom functions, there's a pile of stuff in there, way too much :p

Most of all, enjoy (y)
Id be interested to here how you get on, and if you notice much difference in image quality, performance etc.

Ive got a mk2n and after using the 50d was quite blown away with the performance and ease of use of the 1d body. Ive been thinking of going to a mk3 as you have.

could you give us your thoughts after using it for a couple of days or so please?