Got to be my best so far

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Photo taken with tamron 70-300 with raynox 250 on it. Mini sunflower with a bee sat on it. I was underneath shooting up.

Photo taken with tamron 70-300 with raynox 250 on it. Mini sunflower with a bee sat on it. I was underneath shooting up.

Shooting up while you were taking a pic - couldn't you have just snorted a line after you'd finished?

Really nice shot, good work.
I really prefer to give constructive criticism rather than the simple 'nice shot' remarks int the hopes that others will do the same for

You have two focal points 1) The insect eyes 2) the middle of the flower. One would like to see both of these in focus. however it looks like you compromised by having both 'nearly' in focus. The fly (not a bee) has the eyes slightly out of focus (though it can be difficult to tell on these web resolution images). If I were to choose between the flower and the insect I always choose the insect but that's simply where my interests lie. Ditto to the flower stamens, slightly oof. To remedy this you can choose a smaller aperture or focus stack.

Next point is composition. I would like to see more of the flower in focus. The beauty of the ends of the petals shows a flowing grace. Having them truncated as you do here diminishes the beauty of the flower in my opinion.

So don't take these the wrong way, they are just my opinions and I hope you find them helpful.
I would tend to agree with Paul.

I am struggling to see the point of focus in the pic, but to be fair, given the time and distane to shoot, I may be being very picky.