Graffiti Art?

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I didn't want to post this on Rockshifter's Graffiti thread and hijack it, so post it here and ask "is this art or vandalism?" It could have been commissioned, who knows? I think myself that this is more art than vandalism as it is neatly done and fits the areas atmosphere. Anyone want to post a few examples of grafitti art? or graffiti vandalism, is there any :rules:

Any thoughts?

Personally I don't find that Graffiti that arty, Graffiti to me grabs you and sets you thinking and admiring how it was done.

Tagging form af graffiti where people stick thier tag where ever thay can I see as vandalism but some graffiti can be art.

Banksy is a classic example of the art in graffiti. I have a book of his thats an amusing read and documents his work wonderfully.
It can be a fine line between art and vandalism, can't it.

Here's a couple I took in the old waterworks at Bradfield, near Sheffield.
The whole place was like one big canvas.

You decide. Art or vandalism?





Personally, I see these examples as art.

I believe they are by a graffitti artist who goes by the name of Rocketeer.
Personally I would like to see this type of art (not the tagging type) on large walls as it is more interesting to look at,
Love it! Its art people have been drawing on walls since the begining of time :D

I agree that random tags are not art ***! but somthing as shown above is def art!
Looks more like commissioned council ad to me.

Agreed it is on the side of a railway bridge probably owned by the council

You decide. Art or vandalism?

Definitely art imo, and very nice it is too. I really love this stuff especially the last two. More More More :)
Vandalism: willful or malicious destruction or defacement of public or private property

It's vandalism. :p

However, I suppose it depends on how you want to define it. There's no doubting the skill involved so why not transfer that skill to another medium e.g. big canvas?
If someone has a dreary old building and commissions someone to paint graffiti to brighten it up I don't think that can be classed as vandalism, can it?
If someone has a dreary old building and commissions someone to paint graffiti to brighten it up I don't think that can be classed as vandalism, can it?

If it's commissioned then no, I don't think you can.
If its commisioned then its certainly not Vandalism, to re-quote dod's quote

Vandalism: willful or malicious destruction or defacement of public or private property

I have highlighted the defacement word becuase if it is commisioned by the owner of said property, it isn't defacement as the owner wants it to be done. Therefore I assume in the commisioners/owners eyes its not defacment.
Probably commissioned that one...but not terribly imaginative. There's more interesting stuff around :)

Oh your image is MASSIVE as well....could do with being compressed for web properly.
I love graffiti art, I've just got back from the Square Festival in Aberystyth, they had a graffiti display on, I'll post the pics on here when I get home. They are on my facebook page at the mo but cant access it from work :)
I see lots of bad graffiti but it is soon outshone by the brilliant graffiti I see on my commute to Glasgow (but nothing like the work of Rocketeer which is, in my opinion, outstanding!)
As promised, the graffiti wall from the Square festival

