Grandfather sailing

Good shot. Technically spot on, being well exposed and sharp (which is probably difficult while bobbing around on a boat!).

I just would have preferred a bit more context. Framing is quite tight, and it would have been nice to see a bit more of the boat.

But still a good portrait. Looks like he's in his element. :)
I agree a little too tight in the frame for my taste, did you crop it?

also the horizon ( water) is a little off balance ie it slopes to the right

on a positive note: its well eposed and tack sharp

Les (y)
I agree a little too tight in the frame for my taste, did you crop it?

also the horizon ( water) is a little off balance ie it slopes to the right

on a positive note: its well eposed and tack sharp

Les (y)

Thanks :) yes, it has been cropped, but only from the top, as the boom was sticking into the frame and drawing the eye too much. - unfortunately not much more yacht to show.

Thanks for the feedback guys though! much appreciated.
Very nice shot, the sky is very bland and i think a conversion to Black and White might help a little. Hope you don't mind but I edited it ,just for my curiosity

about 2 deg CCW rotation will make it better...
Very nice shot, the sky is very bland and i think a conversion to Black and White might help a little. Hope you don't mind but I edited it ,just for my curiosity


Better as a black and white image imo.. Seems to lack a little something in colour, although a nice shot.