Gratuitous pet pics

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I'll show you mine
(we've had Bailey for 8 weeks now. I adore him)

yours please

Haven't we had a thread like this a few weeks back?

Millie. Born 07/03/13.

Liver Roan working cocker.

Time in residence, 1 week.

A delightful bloody little nightmare of a whirlwind.

Attempts to take a decent portrait, multiple. Successes, zero! :D
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Haven't we had a thread like this a few weeks back?

Probably - in the "Photos for pleasure" section where it belongs. Of course, this is the OOF section where anything goes but there's a good chance that the thread will fall off page 1 faster here than there!
Probably - in the "Photos for pleasure" section where it belongs. Of course, this is the OOF section where anything goes but there's a good chance that the thread will fall off page 1 faster here than there!

oops, sorry, I don't take many photos (and indeed I didn't take the one I've posted), so I don't look outside OOF and Talk Business

I wasn't complaining! ;)

Like I said, anything goes in here (OOF) but it tends to be busier than the Photos For Pleasure area so threads drop off page 1 faster!

Bailey looks a happy chap - fell on his feet, didn't he?!
Moved to Photos for Pleasure :)
My daughter has just been having fun with her ipad and her cat...

image(1) by kendo1111, on Flickr
So, m'lovely dog is on the front of the new Labradoodle Trust calendar, as photographed by m'lovely husband. All the dogs in the calendar have been rehomed by Labradoodle Trust