Great Crested Grebe environment shot

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Was at a lake at sunrise earlier in the week and was trying to get a photo of the sunrise shining through the mist coming up from the lake. The only problem was that the mist was so thick you couldn't see the other side of the lake. So no focal point for the photo.

I suddenly saw this great crested grebe swim across and quickly snapped this. Looks a bit surreal doesn't it.

Instant recognition for me, a lovely atmospheric shot. I would be tempted to clone out the two dark spots left of the bird.
That is some giant sauna that GCG is enjoying ... :cautious:

Super image though ... :clap: ... just so spot on ... :shrug:

Nice shot, made better by fact there can be no question as to the type of bird!!!
Once seen, never forgotten.
That brings back memories for me. great atmosphere you caught there
great atmosphere in the pic, In my opinion it needed the grebe to make the photo.

Very nice
Thanks all :)

I actually got a focus lock on the grebe and tried manual focus too, but the lens was looking through so much mist that nothing was going to be sharp in the shot.
very nice photo, what makes it stand out is that its different and if you ever wanted to take a similar photo again it may never come together like it did that day, well spotted.