Greenfinch with a flower

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This Greenfinch, (only my 2nd sighting this year), did me the favour of staying in the Blackthorn for a few minutes and showed me one of the flowers he was enjoying :)

by Roger, on Flickr

Nikon D7200
Nikon 500mm f4
TC1.7 E-II
ISO 1100

You should have whispered him the the
hippy age is long over and gone! :)

…love the take!
Really great shot Roger, lovely looking bird. I've got a daily posse in my garden here at the moment and the males are really colourful. Breeding season brings out the best in them.
Well done for capturing such a nice one.
Really great shot Roger, lovely looking bird. I've got a daily posse in my garden here at the moment and the males are really colourful. Breeding season brings out the best in them.
Well done for capturing such a nice one.

Thanks Chris, great to have them in your garden ... short supply near me :)
Firstly, that is a lovely shot, really beautiful !
Please forgive the question though as i'm new to this. I just wondered why the iso was high ?
I thought with it being outside you were supposed to have a low iso setting?
Certainly not critiquing the picture, i am in no position to do that!, i'm just trying to learn. Thanks :)
I love this shot - beautiful.
Thanks Martin :)

Firstly, that is a lovely shot, really beautiful !
Please forgive the question though as i'm new to this. I just wondered why the iso was high ?
I thought with it being outside you were supposed to have a low iso setting?
Certainly not critiquing the picture, i am in no position to do that!, i'm just trying to learn. Thanks :)

Please don't apologize, it's good to ask questions and I'm certainly not averse to receiving critique and comments :)
In ideal lighting conditions it would be good to use a base ISO (e.g. 100) but various factors come into play with a shot like this.
  1. Although there was cloudy light the subject was in the bushes so light was reduced.
  2. Using a 500mm f4 lens with a 1.7 converter gives a minimum aperture of f6.7 and with a TC fitted it is often good to close down a little to increase sharpness, hence I was at f8.
  3. Because any bird will move even imperceptibly I like to have a reasonably fast shutter speed to avoid any blurring, hence at 1/640th.
  4. All of the above requires a higher ISO to make the shot possible with a decent exposure.
Hope that helps :)
Lovely photo! The flower does make for a very special moment!
Thanks Martin :)

Please don't apologize, it's good to ask questions and I'm certainly not averse to receiving critique and comments :)
In ideal lighting conditions it would be good to use a base ISO (e.g. 100) but various factors come into play with a shot like this.
  1. Although there was cloudy light the subject was in the bushes so light was reduced.
  2. Using a 500mm f4 lens with a 1.7 converter gives a minimum aperture of f6.7 and with a TC fitted it is often good to close down a little to increase sharpness, hence I was at f8.
  3. Because any bird will move even imperceptibly I like to have a reasonably fast shutter speed to avoid any blurring, hence at 1/640th.
  4. All of the above requires a higher ISO to make the shot possible with a decent exposure.
Hope that helps :)
It does a lot !:ty:
Thanks for taking the time to explain it, and well done on a great picture :)
Smashin' scenery that tho it looks a bit grumpy ...
Excellent detail and pose especially with the flower. I find the background a bit distracting and would have cropped in much tighter to exclude most of it

Excellent detail and pose especially with the flower. I find the background a bit distracting and would have cropped in much tighter to exclude most of it


Thanks Stan, it is a busy background but I do like including some environment where possible :)
It does a lot !:ty:
Thanks for taking the time to explain it, and well done on a great picture :)

just my 2p cos I'm just starting 'bird pics'
i wondered why mine were OOF until i realized the camera set to Auto was happy at ISO 200 with 1/60 at f3.5
after reading the bird aficionados....:)
i set the mode to manual - selected 1/250 and f8 [for example] - and let the ISO chase the exposure - right up to ISO 1600 = much better
Interesting capture with flower in its mouth,nicely composed in a natural setting with bird seemingly at ease.