Grey Seal and pup, Shetland

John Moncrieff
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I made the gruelling hike and climb down the cliffs to see my nearest Grey Seal pups - only three pups so far and the rocks kept them mostly hidden from me :-/ My thighs were definitely feeling the extra weight of the 200-400mm and it's case!

Grey Seals, Shetland, November 2018 by John Moncrieff, on Flickr

Grey Seal and pup, Shetland, Nov 2019 by John Moncrieff, on Flickr

Grey Seals, Shetland, November 2018 by John Moncrieff, on Flickr

Grey Seals, Shetland, November 2018 by John Moncrieff, on Flickr
The little'un looks surprised to see you. :D
"Excellent" set of shots Sir.(y)

Pupping seaon is well on it's way for more that a month in orkney. First one looks pretty skinny, maybe it's just very young. I like the third picture and wonder if it would work well in black and white too.! Nicely done.
I love that first one - absolutely brilliant. Well done sir!!!