Critique Grim up North

Just right!

The photo not the weather:oops: :$

Me too about the marks, carp then:p
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Just noticed the two light marks mid frame on the right, reflections of the leather sofa behind me, me bad.:crying:
Really like that.
Can vouch for how grim it is as just got soaked walking from work to train station!
That reminds me I don't know where my flat cap has gone!
Look quite presentable there Steve :D
Can I ask how you captured it? What technique/exposure did you use?
Can I ask how you captured it? What technique/exposure did you use?

Taken in front lounge, source was large French doors. I was sat in front of a black leather setee, I wanted to achieve a low-key effect. Camera on tripod manual settings F8 1/20th of a second. -0.5 exposure comp. Lens was the Nikkor 16-35 F4 and camera triggered by remote. Processed in CS5 from a RAW file.
Would be even better if you had a ski mask on and only your eyes showing :D,
only joking mate edit out the light and you got yourself a keeper.
Would be even better if you had a ski mask on and only your eyes showing :D,
only joking mate edit out the light and you got yourself a keeper.

Exactly what the missus said........................:LOL::LOL::LOL:
Very Nice Stephen (y)
you know about the "lights" so I won't mention it :D