guitar-related macro

1st and 3rd for me. They're more abstract and I like that you can see faces in them (or is that just me :cautious:)

The last made me smile though
1st and 3rd for me. They're more abstract and I like that you can see faces in them (or is that just me :cautious:)

Faces? :cautious: :LOL:

Nice work though Ultra (y)The second looks a bit boring to my eye but I like the rest :)
The first looks a little non plussed, the third looks like 3 1/2 aliens :D
I really like the 3rd and 4th one...
The 3rd is really nice and abstract :)

I think if you had a deeper DOF on the first it might be better. Maybe use focus stacking to achieve this.
Thanks for the critique guys. I liked the face of number 1, but hadn't spotted them in 3 (I'm still trying, haha). The second one is a bit boring... the metal didn't come out as tarnished as I wanted. Guess I'll just have to play it more!

I've never tried focus stacking before - that might be today's project before I go back to work tomorrow!
Before you try the focus stacking, try a shot with a really small aperture. f22 should get it all in focus. (I think)

Personally, I like the shallow dof in close ups like this. They look less 'technical' and more arty. But that is just my opinion :)