handheld moon..


Uh oh, a fruit basket!
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took this last week in Kos...had far too many vodkas ( and as we all know, holiday measures are generous :puke: )

Anyway, stood up, no tripod, point'n'shoot

kefalos moon by damianmkv, on Flickr
That's a great photo - I couldn't have managed hand held without a few drinks under my belt!
Thanks Lorraine - we have the same camera. I used a nikon 70-300 VR ( surprised I didn't fall over to be honest but hey )
Thank you, Michael. It's nice to be in a place with no light pollution
Thanks very much. It's a lot better than ones that I've taken at home
Nice shot. Composition is good. Noticed u live in Surrey, same here. Where bouts r u
Yeah, this is a good effort and shows up crater detail well along the terminator. Shows up well why the moon is better shot while a shadow is casst on it rather than a full moon I think.
You've done very well for 300mm, guess you had VC... (Vodka Compensation) :) on your side.
Thanks John - I think I had a little too much VC that night