Harbour Lighthouse

Like that Stu! …can't resist low key renditions
like this one… when is it switched on?
I really like that. A lighthouse has been on my 'things to shoot' list for a while. Hopefully I'm heading down rto portland lighthouse very soon.
Nice work, love the sky. Bring the shadows out a tad?

Hope the little 'un gets well soon(y), worrying little things eh?
Nice work, love the sky. Bring the shadows out a tad?

Hope the little 'un gets well soon(y), worrying little things eh?
Thanks yeah he's ok now, he's 3 so he picks up everything going at the moment. Think you're right with the shadows, although I must admit I find monos tricky in figuring out just how much shadow detail to recover and when it starts to become unrealistic?
Well composed lighthouse gives the foreground aspect,the distance hills well placed as middle ground, finishing with the darkening sky.
Excellent photo worth the effort.
Lovely shot! The processing works very well and all together it has a great mystifying feel about it..