Critique Hares..... stand off

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It's closing on mad march antics so we've been out checking locations and hoping,something I've seen and have crap records shots of ,but no real images. I believe the hare left is female and is staring down the male that has just approached her,another is close by,exactly the senario i'm hoping for. she looks pretty mean to me and he jumped back at the moment of capture,I could instill so many captions to this frame.;):D

Anyway as a hare shot it isn't the best,my main reason for posting is the interaction which I love and for any crit on the actual image tech thoughts on IQ etc. This is taken late little light,on another of our wonderful gorgeous stunning early spring days. OK it's cold dark grey and raining what's new huh. So iso is up at 5000 shot wide open f5.6 (2xextii on 3002.8is) and shutter down at 1/80 as I try to squeeze just something from the grey. Processed in dpp4. Pov is limited ,i'm hanging over a cotswold stone wall no access at this spot yet and shooting down, The 2x is something i've struggled with on the IQ side,i've spent a good bit of time of late trying to sort this via MFA so any thought son IQ or how I could have been better here would be cool.
Camera 1Div shot not cropped

_70F5256 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

Cheers for any thoughts in advance

Stu, for 1/80th and 5000 ISO you've done well (y)

You know what its like, I opened the post and looked at the shot, me first though was it looked a tad soft. then I read poor light, 1/80th and realised why and changed me mind to well done (y)

As for the pov, for shots where interaction and behavior is present,I think a higher pov works better, it gives more DOF in the grass and isn't as distracting as a large OOF strip in the foreground.
It may not be the best hare shot in your opinion but you've captured the essence of them and the interaction between them brilliantly. You almost don't need to be told what's happening.
hey janny:) thank you !1

. if i'm honest I 'm lucky to have this and almost grateful she didn't beat him up I had no where to go really and as much as I love hares boxing to have a camera in my hand and these conditions would have been hard But these type of shots are lovely for me it's the interactions,it's hard enough finding one hare but at least three seems to be where some magic might happen. I'm such a realist Janny,but I suppose the other side is I have a couple or three hare pics and want better. This could have been wonderful it's right at the end of the day the setting sun on them a bit more shutter and one day proper post are could have beens. But they are there, chances might come much hope but realism about IQ and conditions. None at home at the mo:( walked for hours sunday from dawn nowt,the fields changing to woodland is throwing me abit,but hopefully i'll find them soon.

Stu, for 1/80th and 5000 ISO you've done well (y)

You know what its like, I opened the post and looked at the shot, me first though was it looked a tad soft. then I read poor light, 1/80th and realised why and changed me mind to well done (y)

As for the pov, for shots where interaction and behavior is present,I think a higher pov works better, it gives more DOF in the grass and isn't as distracting as a large OOF strip in the foreground.

Phil thanks mate proper rock and a hard place stuff,it's getting that exposure right in these dark gloomy conditions and then not cropping is what I hoped to achieve. I actually went back to the vechicle and put the 2X on for reach even though it meant slower shutter so if I got a chance I wouldn't have to crop. But it's all learning mate and you are probably looking at the only image from a whole day at it i'll keep. Rain or no I was pretty happy to come home with something to look at even if taken so late in the day

Mate as you know I love shooting hares low, face in the mud low :D,There is another thing to add about mad march and that really low pov: it's damn hard getting anything in frame lying down.when hares start their antics I had a spat yards away last year Phil I did't even get a tail in frame and I was very ready. But great post mate opened up some different thought to how I often go. Frankly I feel off the wall that kind of sitting up height 2/3feet is where I'd like to be given an ideal world. I'm shooting down into a valley of sorts mate but again cool post i'll dwell on for sure ;)

cheers muchly both

Well, ignoring any technical challenges you faced ;) yu have caught a great moment you can sense the tension in the hare on the left and the focus of both is great.
Well, ignoring any technical challenges you faced ;) yu have caught a great moment you can sense the tension in the hare on the left and the focus of both is great.

Paul,humble apologies I really thought I had replied to you,thanks for the kind words, Ha I'd say I got lucky,but really it's just a case of being completely mad. I mean hanging over a wall nearly dark and pouring with rain hey ho it was worth it.
No joy with boxing yet .But i'm just back in after a brief spell having a mouch. My hares are back at least 4 right under me damn nose. Couldn't find the barnie,,but I'll find him. might just build a little hide Look like the Kestrels might use one the boxes,so although no images a productive little stroll.

Now to get dirty again,so want to take some decent boxing images

Thanks again and sorry so slow,

I do like the interaction and the possible impending 'argument' ~ a sense of tension.

But the image is IMO too low in contrast and sharpness so as you have "Editing allowed" here is my quick contrast & sharpening adjustments


It was quick & rough 'n ready but hope that helps ??? ;)
Thank you good sir,hares certainly pop more,I can't selectively sharpen only global,interesting I need to stare with fresh eyes buddy but cheers for taking the time I'll come back shortly.

Mate you know that look ladies can do,take your head off at 50yards ,and they don't say a word. Tis a special thing mate:) a gift, Blokes can't do that stuff......,he just got that look:D He got slightly closer,she did this he is going backwards..went away with his head well down. Sadly no arguement no boxing probably for the best,and a scary lady. She really means it I'm sure she is left .

It's a cool behaviour shot BB,i'm chuffed to have it but really I want more, I might just get a second crack with some of the guys I spent time with last year,but this time I have all those hours to draw on. Tis going to be really hard visibility wise. hmmm
Sorry buddy ramblin', very shattered,but so thrilled
thank you, do let me come back though
