Hartford, Cheshire

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This started during my recovery process (having broken my ankle in Dinorwic, Snowdonia on 10th Jan), once I was more mobile on crutches I started exploring the immediate vicinity of my house, my mobility was combined with the Covid lockdown (I'd already been effectively self isolated for weeks!). Having participated in the Zine thread, I started putting together images for a Zine - provisionally called '330 yards', as that was about as far as I could manage on crutches!!!! At first it was quite challenging to find subjects/interesting views, I've always found photography on my doorstep more difficult than going out for a day!

From the beginning, I decided to shoot all the images in one format, and to try and process them in a similar way. As my recovery progressed, I lost the crutches and started walking (slowly at first, the faster I walked the more of a limp I had!) and expanded my project to encompass the whole of Hartford.

Hartford was a village just to the east of Northwich, it expanded heavily between 1850 and the early 20th century, due to the arrival of the railway and significant housing being built for the Brunner Mond Chemical Works at Winnington. In the last 50 years it has seen a significant growth in population due to housing, and now there is no real boundary part from the of the urban sprawl of Northwich.

The more I explore the 'village' the more I'm seeing to photograph, and so the project image database is expanding quite rapidly, and I also went through my image archives to extract some older images, there weren't many as I previously found it difficult in my local area.

I expect that lots of these images may be familiar to Ian @Harlequin565 as he lives under two miles away across the fields and over the railway line, we are yet to meet up, but hopefully post Covid-19 we can arrange a pie and pint!

I have also started an Instagram Account for this project https://www.instagram.com/hartfordcheshire/

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Not far from The Blue Bridge then?

The Blue Bridge is 'in Hartford', I've not yet been down that way on my meanderings. It has a history in its own right, It was built in 1938/39 (one span initially), but the rest of the Hartford bypass was not completed as WW2 got in the way. The land for the bypass was used as tyre store for the later part of the war (mainly for American forces, who were all over this region having arrived in Liverpool). There was even a ramp built in Hartford to enable tanks and other vehicles to be loaded onto trains. It continued as a tyre store after the war, and the bypass wasn't completed until the 1950's when the road was also widened.

Gate to the ramp for the tank loading ramp by Hartford Station

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The Old Football Pitch, on land once owned by Manweb (not sure who the owner is now), this pitch was used by a Manweb team in the 70's/80's and then by a local pub team from 'The Coachman' throughout the 80's and 90's, who also shared it with Hartford Boys. It has certainly seen better days, the shipping containers used as changing rooms have long gone, and all that remains is one goalpost. The pitch is some way from the village and can only be accessed now by a maze of footpaths.

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Fab little project David. Glad you're back on both feet and getting mobile!

I remember discovering that pitch on a bike ride and thinking "what the hell is this doing out here?" Good to now understand the history! I think I've even got a photo similar toi yours somewhere...
In the first half of the 18th Century, the River Weaver, just to the East of Hartford was straightened to make it more navigable for boats to get to Winsford, A lock was put in at Hartford, this was removed in the second half of the 19th century to improve the speed of boats on the Weaver. The removed stones from the lock are still there, on the side of the riverback, just to the south of the Weaver Boatyard.

Looking back down the Weaver towards Northwich, the Boatyard is on the left, along the timber pillars which once supported a rolling bridge.

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Is that at the entrance to the arm?

Yes, there were proposals in late Victorian times to make it a permanent towpath, but this was rejected on the grounds that the 'Arm' water would be become stagnant, a pipe was installed upstream to allow water to flow in (there was a weir previously around the locks), and an earth bank erected, the lower rolling bridge was left as a bridge, though this was removed in WW2 and never replaced
Cheers. It's a long time since I was down there, late 1990s I think, and always wondered what the brickwork upstream of the arm entrance was.(y)
The Brunner Mond Chemical Works at Winnington was very significant in the development of Northwich and subsequently Hartford. Merged into ICI it had separate railway access to both the West (Wallescote Island) and East Side of the works.

The Wallescote Railway Link was by a short branch line (passing down by the side of Thorn Wood), the branch line joined the main Liverpoool-London Line at Gorstage Sidings between Weaverham and Hartford. This was a private railway owned and operated by ICI, but allowed access to the main line. Long since dismantled, the trackbed remains in places, though much of the line is overgrown and impassable.

Gorstage Sidings, Southern End

Trackbed away from Gorstage Sidings towards Wallescote by Thorn Wood

Trackbed by the side of Thorn Wood

Mainline towards Liverpool, Gorstage Sidings were on the right hand side, now populated by trees!
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I walk/run this every day! (Back on the couch to 5k regime at the moment!)

Nice to know the bit of history. Often wondered what would happen if I continued to walk down the trackbed and eventually under the Northwich Rd. Winnigton!
I walk/run this every day! (Back on the couch to 5k regime at the moment!)

Nice to know the bit of history. Often wondered what would happen if I continued to walk down the trackbed and eventually under the Northwich Rd. Winnigton!

I don't think you'd get that far, its very overgrown!!! You can see from GoogleMaps that more trackbed existing past Hartford Golf Club, but the bridge across Wallescote Road is long gone!
I travelled the 'Northwich bypass' (as Cheshire locals called it) every day for several years, it used to be a good, fast road before the speed cameras and sectional speed limits appeared. If I had £1 for every time I've driven under that blue bridge over the years I'd be able to buy a complete new camera outfit!
I travelled the 'Northwich bypass' (as Cheshire locals called it) every day for several years, it used to be a good, fast road before the speed cameras and sectional speed limits appeared. If I had £1 for every time I've driven over that blue bridge over the years I'd be able to buy a complete new camera outfit!

Corrected that for you! You would have gone under the concrete bridge but over both blue bridges. There are plenty of cameras along the route and now we have a new set of lights just at the top of the hill after the blue bridge (right on a bend), and all for a new housing estate!

The forum image insert really massacres the IQ though.
Corrected that for you! You would have gone under the concrete bridge but over both blue bridges. There are plenty of cameras along the route and now we have a new set of lights just at the top of the hill after the blue bridge (right on a bend), and all for a new housing estate!

The forum image insert really massacres the IQ though.
I always thought of it as going under the blue bridge as it arches up over the road. Not beneath it unless I was on a boat! Perhaps 'across' the bridge might avoid confusion? ;)

You'll have to try image hosting via Flickr, at least that gives the option to click on the image to view it full size? It would be a shame not to see your photos in their full glory, or something close to it. I'm enjoying your project by the way, keep up the good work.
I always thought of it as going under the blue bridge as it arches up over the road. Not beneath it unless I was on a boat! Perhaps 'across' the bridge might avoid confusion? ;)

You'll have to try image hosting via Flickr, at least that gives the option to click on the image to view it full size? It would be a shame not to see your photos in their full glory, or something close to it. I'm enjoying your project by the way, keep up the good work.

I didn't want to 'clutter' my existing Flickr feed with this project, but I might do that or use my 'spare flickr account!'

And thanks for the encouragement
I didn't want to 'clutter' my existing Flickr feed with this project, but I might do that or use my 'spare flickr account!'

And thanks for the encouragement
You can set the pics in Flickr to private so they only show up on here but not to general viewers of your Flickr stream.
You'll have to try image hosting via Flickr, at least that gives the option to click on the image to view it full size? It would be a shame not to see your photos in their full glory, or something close to it. I'm enjoying your project by the way, keep up the good work.

Done, updated the previous posts, its definitely 'better'
The Wimpey Estate, as mentioned previously Hartford has had many housing 'booms', one of the big developments was the new estate off Chester Road, just to the east of the station. This was built in the 1970s and became known as the Wimpey Estate, a name that has stuck despite Taylor Wimpey building other houses in the village (including mine in 2001). Very typical early 1970s housing stock, built when houses typically had one car!

Estate entrance from Chester Road

Typical Housing Stock (and the parking problem!)

One of the many 'alley ways'

Garage Block

And lastly, the garage with no access!!

Love the 60s/70s Wimpey estate, it could be anywhere in the UK! There was one that looked just like up the road from where we used to live, same house designs and finishes, complete with little alleyways and paths. There was also a 60's estate known as Little Australia owing to the roads being named after Australian cities. Funny how these names stick.
The first of (probably) several posts on Mid-Cheshire College

This grew out of Verdin Technical College. The Verdin Centre was built in Winsford by Sir Joseph Verdin to commemorate Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. It was opened by the Duke and Duchess of Westminster on the 24th June 1897. Hartford campus opened in 1962, brand new arts and creative media building opened in October 2008 . In September 2018, a year after Mid Cheshire College merged with Warrington Collegiate to form Warrington and Vale Royal College in August 2017, Hartford campus was closed with the loss of 56 jobs. Despite local opposition from the local council, the new college said the decision was because the Hartford campus was ‘seriously under-utilised’. In August 2019, Sports England officially objected to plans to demolish the £7.5million Sports Centre (which opened in 2012) by the housing development company that acquired the former Hartford campus. In March 2020, plans to build 108 homes on the former campus site were passed after Cheshire West and Chester Council planning officers recommended it for approval. This planning application has been modifioed and has been submitted again increasing the number of homes to 128.

While the planning decision is awaiting, and before the site becomes a building site, the site is still open to walk around. There is lots to photograph here, and so this will probably turn into several posts taken over several visits.

Its a real shame that such a modern complex is going to be demolished for yet more housing in Hartford, a decent Doctors Surgery for the growing population would be good, but since the land is privately owned as opposed to council there is very little chance of that!

My youngest was going to go there back in... oooh... 2014?. We had one of those visiting day things. Brand spanking new art block, and really cool architecture in the old building.

Very sad to see it go, and like many establishments it was another loss to the Adult Ed community, not just daytime students.
My youngest was going to go there back in... oooh... 2014?. We had one of those visiting day things. Brand spanking new art block, and really cool architecture in the old building.

Very sad to see it go, and like many establishments it was another loss to the Adult Ed community, not just daytime students.

Its quite a cool location (and nice to have locally while it lasts). Its amazing how many things have started to go missing, someone's nicked all the "Visitors Only" Parking Signs, a load of paving flags (50+), around the No Ball Games sign have gone missing, as has a load of weldmesh fencing been cut away. Its not just nature taking over! The interior of the buildings has been partially stripped.

If you want to go for a social-distanced wander around the site, give me a shout.

If my Washi F in 120 turns up today I may go for a wander around there tomorrow - weather permitting... Is it freely accessible? No fencing off etc?
That green on red is a strong one. Hopwe mine comes out :) Also I went a bit wider with the door & brick wall because it looked like a face :)

Elevators look fab though. Very clean image.
That green on red is a strong one. Hopwe mine comes out :) Also I went a bit wider with the door & brick wall because it looked like a face :)

Elevators look fab though. Very clean image.

Thanks, I'm really pleased with the lift, ISO1000 (no subsequent noise reduction) and shot through grubby glass! I saw your different view of the door&brick in your contact sheets, oh well another visit on the cards then!
Good lord... That's amazing. I wonder how long before the doors go and poeople get inside? It's a wonder the place hasn't burned to the ground. Very surprised it hasn't been fenced off.
Good lord... That's amazing. I wonder how long before the doors go and poeople get inside? It's a wonder the place hasn't burned to the ground. Very surprised it hasn't been fenced off.

Better get back there reasonably sharpish with the 6x17 then :)

Someone's already had a go at that door, this is it in Mid May, complete DANGER notice and no leverage marks on the timber

it'll have to be the weekend sadly...