Hat advice

.... Steve
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My 1,000th post on the forum, so thought it should be an issue that is important to me.
I've come to an age when I feel I need to be wearing a hat. Norman Parkinson refused to take photos without his lucky hat, and he took some belters. So the only thing holding me back from my current mediocrity must be my lack of lucky headwear.

Don't think I could pull off a Norman Parkinson style hat though. And I'm more Manchester Ship Canal than left bank of the Seine, so a beret is out of the question.

Trilby? Fedora?Bowler?

Decisions, decisions.
A battered and dented Stovepipe hat... (y)
If Manchester Ship Canal is your style, then a flat cap is the only way to go.
A serious concern.

But surely it depends what camera you are using at the time?
Steve, By calling it a hat,just shows that you are far to posh for the North, it,s a CAP man. :)
1000 posts, then it must be a sombrero!
Although stereotypical I would have to agree with yellow belly, the flat cap is the only acceptable headgear.
The answer is more simple than you imagine. I see that you cannot take all your photographs using one camera so why would you possibly think that one hat will suit all occasions? You require a range of hats to suit your circumstances but they should all look good and they should certainly be of correct fit.

Freecom has my point but from a different direction:

A serious concern.

But surely it depends what camera you are using at the time?
This is a subject very close to my heart...well head actually... and I shall be back later with a photograph of the only suitable hat for photography.
The answer is more simple than you imagine. I see that you cannot take all your photographs using one camera so why would you possibly think that one hat will suit all occasions? You require a range of hats to suit your circumstances but they should all look good and they should certainly be of correct fit.

Freecom has my point but from a different direction:

Wise words indeed.
Taking the question seriously, a Tilley. Several styles available and a couple of colour choices. Guaranteed for life against wearing out (they do wear out but when they do, send the worn one back to them and they actually do replace it! AND they send you the worn out one back [my old one sports a TP patch over the worn out bit of the crown]) and insured for the first 2 years against loss (they send you a new one for 1/2 price.) Not he cheapest hat on the market but very comfortable, keeps the sun off my bonce and out of my eyes. Machine washable too.
As a starter, a crown graphic and a fedora with a press pass in the band.
I'll second the Tilley hat. They are very practical, as the chin strap means that you can hang the hat on your tripod when you duck under the focusing cloth.
Does a Tilley hat have a lamp on top?

Anyway, another vote for a flat cap, though I tend to wear mine more to annoy the missus than to keep my head warm. I also have a rather battered floppy camping hat that I've used as an oily rag in the past which is named 'orrible 'at - that annoys her even more :)
I suspect Dean that its not actually the 'at wot annoys her, more whats positioned underneath it.:)

I think this will suit you better than any of the other suggestions
Loads of great hat advice. I like the idea of a different hat to suit the camera used, then I can get a great variety of different hats as recommended.

Maybe I should try taking a roll of film while wearing a different type of hat each time. I could then analyse the results and work backwards to ascertain which hat produces the best photos :)
I should mention that the Tilley isn't great for driving convertibles - the brim has a tendency to blow down, blocking vision or up, causing the hat to lift off (and strangulation should the strap be under the chin!), so I have a secondary hat which fits a bit tighter and has a stiff brim. Unfortunately, while the hat colour is a reasonable match to Mrs Nod's car, the leather brim (sorry, it's a baseball cap) is much darker than the seats.
Baseball cap ;) but the only time I would use and be seen with it, is at bootsales when the sun is in your eyes trying to see the goods.
hmmmmmmmm there could be something in this, perhaps a ushanka for using a Zenit or perhaps a FED?
Unless all your cameras are weather sealed, it surely has to be an Akubra, which will keep your camera dry! (Having considerably less hair than my current avatar would suggest, and having got far too much sun over 20 years in Oz, I have to wear a hat whenever the sun is out. I personally favour scruffy sunhats that can be scrunched up in a pocket, or in winter a really warm superbeany. But I have no style!)
No one has suggested a knotted hankie...