HDR....its a load of balls

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Some HDR from Blackpool last night
c & c welcome




#2 for me, nicely balanced warm photograph.

Not a fan of #3 - the Halo ruins it imho
The colours in #2 make it stand out, lovely :). Not sure about any of the others to be honest, either too many halos or the hdr is too obvious. (y)
Not a big fan of HDR - but the image 2 really is nicely worked.
I like that a lot..
Also number 4 is to my liking.. not over cooked, nice colors that are still realistic.

Maybe all HDR is not evil :D
Nicely done Dave, I too like the last shot best, the silver seat ties in with the sphere nicely ;)
I wasn't a fan of HDR, but after seeing shots like those, it's really having the effect of converting me. When done in a subtle way and on an ideal subject matter, like what you've done there, it really does work.
One of these days I'm gonna have to get into the dark art of HDRing. :help: :thinking: :D
1, 2 and 4 for me, very nice

I would be tempted to cloan out the stand to the ball in the distance on 1 ... just for that OMG effect ;)

Deffo No 2 for me, but they're all really good.
Lovely set and the processing is spot on. (y)

I'm editing a load of landscapes from Yosemite currently so would you mind giving me a rundown on your settings as a guide please.
I like HDR & tone mapped landscapes but don't want to over cook my images.

Number #2 certainly has the nicest tones. I have to confess this style of pp really doesn't do it for me though especially number #4. To my eye, it's almost like there is a picture on a wall, rather than a window.

Soz Dave, the whole scene is a little confusing.
Number #2 certainly has the nicest tones. I have to confess this style of pp really doesn't do it for me though especially number #4. To my eye, it's almost like there is a picture on a wall, rather than a window.

Soz Dave, the whole scene is a little confusing.

No probs Lee. I like that one funnily enough.
Interesting that a set of not really that good HDR's elicit so many views and comments? Maybe its because the title of my post held the prospect of a bit of argy bargy :D
Love the (subtle) processing on #1 and the compostion on #4 (y).

Nice set all round.
They are all nice, not too much HDR but just right although no. 4 is a cracker !!!!
Another one here that is not a fan of HDR but have to admit I like these especially no.4.
Not been to Blackpool for years until last Thursday. I nearly crashed the car staring at that mirrorball and thinking about shots like these!
No 2 for me, although I can't help thinking 3 without the halo around the ball would be spot on.
Nice set.
Passed the big shiny ball a few times but didn't have either the time, camera . . . or a sunset.
Love them!