
It's not been a bad one today, although it did cloud over this afternoon, big, heavy grey clouds but with breaks between them that let the sun through now and again.

Currently dry and fairly calm, a chilly feeling 6°C.
Not a bad day, all in all, not quite hitting double figures. The wind was a bit chilly, though.
It's dropping fast out there now, but should stay above 0oC through the night.
13th month in a row with record temperatures according to BBC today
all due to C02 man made get used to it folks

6°-C here at the moment but feels colder as there is a strong wind. Quite sunny & bright though so not too bad a day.
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We had some light rain overnight, the slabs out back were damp but drying off. Cloudy but looks like it might brighten up, not much wind but it is a chilly feeling 5°C.
50/50 white and blue cloud, a light breeze, 10oC and feeling mild.
Too grey and chilly for the little blue car but warm enough for a seaside walk after a nice lunch.
It's been another really lovely day here with a clear blue sky most of the time. The only problem being there has been a strong wind all day which has kept the temperature down to 7°-C but feeling a lot colder.
Chilly East/NE winds blowing across the country. The BBC weather forecaster said that we have a named wind, a north easterly, blowing across Cumbria called The Helm wind. It's like the Foehn and Sirocco. Out of the cold winds it's really warm, where there's sunshine.

5°C and dreich. Better than it was at 05:00 when the rain woke me up - and I'm deaf!
10oC, a light but chilly wind and high cloud cover.
No rain last night, but a fair bit predicted overnight tonight and well into tomorrow.
At the moment, it's quite a nice day, the sun is shining but there are some big, dark and grey clouds looming not far away. It's not windy, just a little breeze. Currently 7°C but it feels colder.

We are supposed to have a fine and dry afternoon. I'm going to make the most of it as tomorrow looks a different story.
5°C and dreich. Better than it was at 05:00 when the rain woke me up - and I'm deaf!
I guessed dreich was a Scottish word and had to ask my wife what it meant. The other thing that has struck me over the years is the similarity between Scottish and German..especially the 'eich'.Think of Reich.(empire) reich..rich.. Eichbaum..oak tree. The 'ch' in both languages is pronounced in the same way. eg as in the Scottish word for lake..Loch. The famous words of Robbie Burns.. " T'was a Braw Bricht moonlit Nicht" Night in German is Nacht. There's the Scottish ken..to know. In German it's the same..Kennen, in relation to knowing people. Apparently, it comes from Early Middle English..ie prior to 1450. There's also the Vikings influence as they landed "up north" Old Norse developed into German amongst several other languages such as those in Scandinavia.Many words almost identical.

Sorry..sometimes something will trigger my thoughts. :)

Lovely day here until 5.00pm.Now cold and cloudy with some rain en-route.
It was an ok kinda day, breezy chilly and very little sun.
It looks like the rain will be here in an hour or so, overnight and through tomorrow,
There's also the Vikings influence as they landed "up north" Old Norse developed into German amongst several other languages such as those in Scandinavia.Many words almost identical.

The English are Angles (plus Jutes and Saxons) and effectively Germans too. My mother studied the language of Chaucer, and to her, middle English was very much like the German she had learned in Germany and Austria.
It was mild - around 12 degrees - at midday in Grantham, but by 3pm had cooled to around 7 or 8 degrees, and when we left there tonight it was down to 6.5. Rained a bit on the way back too.
8oC here, its been raining steadily since the early hours, and it looks like its set to continue for the rest of the day.
Yesterday was a nice day, although it did cloud over and turn chilly later on. I'd been at the river most of the day and it was very pleasant until the clouds rolled in. It stayed dry and the car said 12°C at one point. I got home early evening and it took watching a whole game of rugby for me to warm back up.

This morning, it's meh, grey clouds, with periods of drizzle. It's been windy too although that seems to have calmed down. I'm going to brave the coast in a bit, so that should be a different dimension weather wise, we'll see. Currently 7°C and light rain here.

I've just washed the car in the rain.. saves drying it :p

I've often wondered, this might be a good idea, saves rinsing it too. :LOL:
Just back from a shopping trip, 7.5 according to the car, and drizzling heavily.
Yes its still raining, and no I wasn't a mad bugger and washed my car :D
Well it's been raining or drizzling all day here and is still at it, temperature only got up to 7°-C and it's now dropping again.
I headed out after lunch, it was raining. It eased off though, eventually stopping at about 3pm. The skies remained grey though and it felt cold, despite the car saying it was 12°C. It wasn't particularly windy either.

Down to 6°C now.
5°-C here at 04-30 and up to 6°-C now, it's dry but very damp & misty with hardly any wind.

"Today is rather special to me as it's what we call my "Re-Birthday". You see five years ago on this date & day I had a heart transplant operation, I was pretty desperate at the time as I'd been given approximately one month to live if a donor heart didn't come along, well as luck would have it one did come along and is still working just fine if a little slow and irregular. I have absolutely no idea where it came from and it's very sad to think that someone past away to give me a new life of which I'm truly thankful"
And a happy one, I hope, and wishing you many more George (y)

9oC here, with a dull grey heavy cloud.
Plus its that odd rain, a few largish drops, every now and again.
George, I also celebrate a re-birthday after a lifesaving brain operation. No donor to thank, just the team (led by Mr Nick Haden) at Derriford Hospital in Plymouth.

Warm enough here for top down motoring and dry enough to put the little blue car through a hand wash. It's MOT time for it on Thursday so it needed doing!
It stayed dry, with little wind but a very dull and chilly day. The light just before dusk was that strange, odd, yellowish, grey way, almost an oppresive atmosphere.

We got up to about 8°C, it's now 6°C.

Apparently, it's to rain overnight, from about 3am.
5oC now, it was a rather dull, miserable day.
The few spots of rain earlier, never amounted to anything,
But it seems we are in for rain, from about 6am in the morning, continuing through the day.
8°-C here at the moment with virtually no wind but raining steadily, and has been since the early hours.