Hello from rural Oxfordshire

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Hi, I'm Dornfield. Not 'Cornfield', as the autocorrect seems to prefer....

I'm a Nikon D7000 user (upgraded from F-90X Pro analogue - shooting Fuji Provia 100 mainly - format with a degree of reservation). I'm here to learn what I'm doing wrong with my camera, as I've not been hugely impressed by the focusing ability of the camera, both with the kit lens and a nice 85mm prime. But more of that when I get to the forum proper. I'd love to learn that it is something I'm (not) doing, but am beginning to think I may have got a lemon. If I need to bite the bullet (I'm well out of warrantee) and upgrade, I'd like to stay Nikon, but need to learn what the options are that guarantee me sharp images: my little girl is growing up fast, and I have few images that are 'blow me away' quality.

See you later.

Welcome aboard Brian :wave:

Capturing family memories is the best reason there is for wanting to take your photography up a level and I wish you all the luck in the world with it.

You've definitely come to the right place and I know there are plenty who'll be happy to point you in the right direction with your camera problems.
Welcome. I enjoyed photographing my little ones all those years ago. Looking forward to seeing some of your shots.