Help/Advice on Aldi computer

Medion brand AFAIK have/had a good reputation.

Having said that, as above 8GB is a bare minimum of RAM. So upgradeable ability is key:-
Which motherboard is in it i.e. how expandable is the RAM.

Also the Intel 630 onboard graphics? Check the recommended hardware specs for any software you intend to use, as the Intel graphics might possibly not even be in the minimum category???

As for the price, what's not to like:)

PS though the pictures show a full size ATX case, it is a good idea to get the full case specs for future possible additional HHD os SSD to be added;)
Check if it will run win 11 , does it have a TMP chip and is the CPU suitable?
Onboard Intel graphics chips are surprisingly capable these days. Not one for hardcore gaming, but should be fine for image editing. Video editing can be more demanding, of course. You'll need more storage than that one has onboard. I don't know how the i3 chips stack up nowadays; they used to be a bit underpowered, so the i5 was generally recommended, but I haven't used any recent i3.

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The Intel® Core™ i3-10100 Processor is rated better than my previous i7-3770k and I edited easily with that processor. You'll need more ram but at £299 that's a pretty decent spec. Would good to know what the motherboard is so you can see what potential upgrades can be done.
The Intel® Core™ i3-10100 Processor is rated better than my previous i7-3770k and I edited easily with that processor. You'll need more ram but at £299 that's a pretty decent spec. Would good to know what the motherboard is so you can see what potential upgrades can be done.
It may be a budget CPU but at least it is W11 compatible.....though not sure about the compatibility of motherboard???
Medion model number in the corner of the picture is MD 34405 / E32014. I don't see that listed on Medion's Windows 11 compatibility pages:

If it isn't compatible, then bear in mind that Windows 10 support ends in 4 years.
It's odd they state plenty of space to store your files when it only has a 512GB SSD which ideally doesn't want cluttering with files you aren't working on at all.
With a 2TB external drive (or you might be able to fit one inside) and RAM increased to 16GB or better 32GB it would be fine for Photoshop and probably could cope pretty well with 4K video renders.
I wouldn't be worrying about Windows 11 they will probably gradually relax the requirements but in any case Windows 10 will be fine for years
Medion is a part of the Lenovo group so has a good pedigree IMHO. As others have already said - its is budget machine. That being said it is a good basic design with a reasonable 10100 i3 Processor. Memory can always be upgraded as can disk and graphics, so at the price its a winner. Interesting that Ebuyer have a similar (if not the same) box for £50 more !

You may find this of interest (remember to hit translate )

Medion is a part of the Lenovo group so has a good pedigree IMHO. As others have already said - its is budget machine. That being said it is a good basic design with a reasonable 10100 i3 Processor. Memory can always be upgraded as can disk and graphics, so at the price its a winner. Interesting that Ebuyer have a similar (if not the same) box for £50 more !

You may find this of interest (remember to hit translate )

I see that the Ebuyer page (if it is indeed the same system) claims 'Windows 10 Home (Free Windows 11 Upgrade)':
512GB of hard disk space is more than enough for the average Joe\Joan Bloggs who would use such a computer to browse social media and create the odd Word or PowerPoint document. My wife for example has had her computer for 4 years and has used less than 50GB of hard disk space.
In these days of 256GB memory card it isn't enough to be storing files when windows and other programs will have used half the 512GB
Thank you all for your comments.
I've been in contact with PC Specialist Ltd for a quote for my needs Price £551
I dont mind paying the extra if it is a better deal. from a good firm and only about 10miles from my home.
Your thoughts please.
Much better, it is always handy to have a card reader on the front, mind I have found they can be affected by updates (drivers maybe) and a USB3 external one is more reliable and no slower.
16GB Ram is still about the minimum for doing much in photoshop but it will cope.
In these days of 256GB memory card it isn't enough to be storing files when windows and other programs will have used half the 512GB
Yes agree I ended up upgrading to a 1 TB SSD it’s easyto use a lot of space with photo editing if you include all the software you need
Yes agree I ended up upgrading to a 1 TB SSD it’s easyto use a lot of space with photo editing if you include all the software you need
It is not so critical. 512 is OK for system files and a small linux partition. You can have photo storage on much large snail drive (HDD), and another NVME SSD external for catalogues etc. I find it very useful to have all these on external portable media.

Having said that I find it incredible how quickly windows 10 has eaten up all the space in my 256GB C: partition (out of 1TB drive). It was supposed to be plenty for a long time to come. Apparently not. Back in the day it was a good idea to split system from personal files. It should still be but you need more like 2TB drive to do that.
I know it's "scope creep" but replacing the SSD hard drive with a M.2 NVMe SSD in the specification will see further performance gains, especially when working on photo catalogues, opening, saving and live previews. The cheapest one isn't great for a NVMe drive, but at £10 more it more than doubles the performance of the storage drive compared to a standard SSD which will make the whole pc feel more responsive. It also means if the system does feel like it's getting short on RAM the storage drive can take up the slack a lot better than it would if it was a regular SSD or even worse, mechainical drive.
One last thing, I have the choice of Windows 10 (Home) or Windows 11 (Home), the only problem is will my version of Photoshop CS2 which is an old version, work on Windows 11 which I would prefer.
One last thing, I have the choice of Windows 10 (Home) or Windows 11 (Home), the only problem is will my version of Photoshop CS2 which is an old version, work on Windows 11 which I would prefer.

FWIW and AFAIK both W10 & W11 are 64 bit only and CS2 is as you say old and 32bit........but will or do W10 &W11 now run older 32 bit programs in compatibility mode?

It is potentially likely that neither will run CS2???

It may be worthwhile looking at Adode forums for insight?
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The Photoshop CS2 runs fine on my Windows 10 PC which I have at the moment, so can I assume it will be OK on Windows 11 ?
The Photoshop CS2 runs fine on my Windows 10 PC which I have at the moment, so can I assume it will be OK on Windows 11 ?
On the assumption that you're running the latest version of the CS2 installer (that no longer requires the missing registration servers), I have tested the installation on a Windows 11 Virtual Machine running the insider pre-release at OS Build 22000.258 and CS2 installs and runs.
The "run as administrator" workaround is still required to prevent the registration popup continually appearing.

Caveat1 - I created, saved and re-opened a new .png file. This is in no way a comprehensive test of the functionality of CS2 on W11.
Caveat2 - The pre-release may be different to the final version, but I CBA to hack the release version to enable it to install on a non TPM2 VM.
Caveat3 - With Windows one can never assume anything...
I've just ordered the PC from PC Specialist Ltd, so thank you all for your help/advice.
Will try to remember to let you know how I go on with the CS2 and Windows 11
Thank you.
I've just installed Photoshop CS2 on my Windows 11 PC and everything seems to be O.K