help me please! urgent!!!!!!

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does anyone know ANYTHING about nikon cameras????????!!!!

i need serious help!

im working iw the Nikon N50
im in a photo class at school...we have 2 weeks left till finals....which means i have 2 maybe 3 times left in the darkroom....and my camera is broken...>_< and i have no negitives !!!!!!!!

i was out taking pictures today...and i got a bunch and then gfot back in the car...and it wasnt working...not taking pictures and on the screen it was flashing "ERR (little circle thingy) min"
soo...i thought maybe it was the i took the film out (ruining all my pictures!>_<) and put a new one in...then went back and reshot what i had just all worked back int he car...drove somewehre else for pictures....and the same thing happened....i didnt want to ruin another roll of film so i thought i would just ask everyone if they knew hwat was going on...or how to fix it...
please help me!
i have no negativies and i have to go to the darkroom on wednesday.....i have to develop negatives on tuesday (or get them done by walgreens...) and i have none..

please please please..
Arkady is probably the man to answer this, he's probably put more rolls of film through nikons than anyone else on here.
I wouldn't ruin any more film, as it's highly likely the shots will be OK despite this ERR message. These ERR messages with digital cameras are often down to lens compatibility issues, and sometimes it just occurs, and can often be remedied by switching on and off again after removing and replacing the battery.

You may find some info specific to the F50 in this thread HERE
Is the lens new to the body?

If so try using full manual mode, and see if it negates the error.
If it works, the problem is the Auto focus and/or metering not being compatable with the lens.

'ERR' usuallly indicates that the aperture lock button has come unstuck and that the aperture ring isn't locked on f/22 (or whatever).
Don't know if it is the same as on canon but when I got an err on my t90 I swithed it off and back on again and it worked for a few shots then err again all the time. It was the cpu that had given up.