Help please ............

Rachael Hardwidge
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hey guys

I'm looking into starting photography, I've found a course I'm going to do which I can start when ever so I'm looking into camera's.

Can anybody give me advise on what camera to get as a first camera and which will be easy for me to learn with??

What you really need to do Rachel is contact someone and find out. Some courses still like to start you off with conventional film and processing, so you'll need a film camera - probably just 35mm, and you can pick up plenty of very good basic 35mm SLRs pretty cheaply - no need to spend a fortune. Starting off in this way with a very basiic film camera will probably give you a better basic understanding much quicker, and IMHO, it's still the best way to start out - they wont be bothered about you having some fancy expensive camera - you really don't need it.

It's much the same with digital. A digital SLR (DSLR} is such a flexible tool, it's your best choice, but again - it can be an entry level model, or something you pick up second hand, as long as it's serviceable that will be all you'll need.
It would also be useful to have an indication of things you feel might be important to you.
Is small size / weight and portability important?
Are you looking for a 'do everything' bridge / compact camera or a DSLR when you can start with a basic kit lens and then build up additional lenses over time?
What sort of photography are you most interested in - Wildlife, Sports, Landscape, Portraits, etc?

NB: 'Not sure' is a perfectly acceptable answer :)

There is no 'perfect' camera for everyone, the trick is to find the one that best fits you.
If you are looking to head down the DSLR route, a used Nikon D40/D60 would be great - small, lightweight with great image quality.
the nikon d3100 will be a good starter camera as it's very user friendly, ie guides you through aperture priority mode