HELP!!! Sold 35 L.... now a problem

15%...!! I'd have gone for at least 25% to account for agro, fannying around, and having to go through the process of trying to sell it again. That might of put him off trying to get his money back.

But well done for sorting it :clap:
yeah, think this will hit ebay now - I had already bought a new lens, so dont really have the spare cash lying around.
I would have told him to go away politely and if not you could see if he can focus a lens with his behind
He focussed using the focus ring, then focusses using the secondary button, then took the shot. But I could see the camera move between focus and taking the shot when he did this.

"look, its out of focus".......

As there was nothing wrong with the lens, I checked thoroughly, as did the dealer, it was the same lens - no switching;) and as I kind of work for the same company as this guy, and he was so miserable, I refunded. (minus fee)

As I said, we went to local dealer, and I stayed after he left. The dealer was chuckling, and said that half the "returns" they get with L primes are people with focus charts complaining about back focus.

Most, have taken few actual shots in daylight, and are taking low light shots in the evening at home to "check the lens".

They get sent to canon, and suprise, suprise, no issue.

And this focus test is supposed to help people! It causes no end of upset for both photographers, dealers and manufacturers. And as a direct result this guy has lost out on one of the finest primes known to man :(
Your just to soft.. I would have told him where to go after 4 days. :wacky:

Yeah I am. I started off with "no way" - but couldn't be a b@stard. Basically, there is nothing wrong with the lens, but he thinks there is. He is really stressed as this is a lot of money. I know I can sell it on, so I saw no point in leaving this guy in misery.
And this focus test is supposed to help people! It causes no end of upset for both photographers, dealers and manufacturers. And as a direct result this guy has lost out on one of the finest primes known to man :(

Exactly, and if you start with this focus test, and find something "wrong" - you easily find fault with ANYTHING - its a slippery slope.
Yeah I am. I started off with "no way" - but couldn't be a b@stard. Basically, there is nothing wrong with the lens, but he thinks there is. He is really stressed as this is a lot of money. I know I can sell it on, so I saw no point in leaving this guy in misery.

To be honest, I think you have a far better result having had your perfectly good lens returned and keeping 15% of the sale. Fair play to you.