Help - Which Camera - 6D or 7D Mk II?


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Hi all,

Having just been on a journey from Canon 30D/40D to Panasonic m4/3, I am now heading back to Canon DSLR land and not sure about which camera to get.

I have been looking at the 6D and the 7D Mk II. I know that one is FF whilst the other is optimised for fast moving sports.

Ideally, I don't want to exceed £1k for the body if new and less if used.

My photography mainly consists:
  • 40% still life photography such as landscapes, buildings, objects
  • 40% people, portraits and street photography
  • 20% motor sports
In between the above, I would also want to use the camera for videos.

Given this blend, I am torn between the two cameras I have mentioned.

I am looking to partner whichever camera I chose with a 24-105 L lens initially and slowly add a 24-70 and 70-200 later.

I would welcome people's views an recommendations on the above or indeed any alternative suggestions.

80% of your photography favours the 6D and only 20% for the 7DII. Get the 6D, and if you feel you need more FPS, reach and AF focus points in the future buy a used 7D classic to compliment it.

I own both the 6D and 7D and use the.6D much more frequently.
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Also, you might consider having a read of the 7D2 thread... Some autofocus issues....
Thanks guys. I was leaning towards the 6D but wasn't sure. Looks like you have convinced me ;)
Another one here who has 6D and 7D (mkI)

I love my 7D but my 6D gets far more use. I shoot mainly landscape and portrait.
For what you're shooting, 6d all the way.

Also, don't discount the 6d when it comes to fast moving subjects. I use it for a lot of sports, and today whilst out shooting seascapes I also photographed some fast, swooping seagulls and every one was in focus, it didn't miss a beat.
None of the lenses you've listed will be much use for circuit motorsport (well the 70-200 might at some circuits).
For Rallying / Trials they should be okay though.

6D covers most of your needs and with a long enough lens would probably work for circuit racing too (I understand the centre point A/F is pretty good, so just use that - it's not like you're trying to track birds randomly darting across the sky).
Thanks guys. I have gone for a 6D from the classifieds.