Critique Hen phessie

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This is my first outing or or actually first time I got a tripod and gimbal up to a hare ha two actually got lucky. As an aside from that the reaction, to a clicky thing and a tiny but damn strong little tripod with some of the young game birds was frankly priceless

here's one 1/2500 f11 iso 2500 I dunno keep coming back to this tis as framed not really sure how intentional a lot of what appeals to me was in this,but hey waddaya think?? processed in dpp4 a while back maybe a bit cold?

_70F7276 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

all thoughts welcome


Using a tripod and gimbal eliminates the need to reach for
higher SS to compensate for eventual HH camera shake.

— 1/2500, f11, iso 2500
These tell me that the SS is too high, ƒ8 would suffice and
keep you on the better optical side and, finally, considering
the previous settings, the ISO could have been dropped to
more reasonable lower values.

What are your other settings on what camera make, Stu?
No problems with the techs on my part Stu - the camera can handle it and it means you got a nice sharp RAW file t work with.

I do think the shot wold have been stronger without the mush in the left foreground and the clutter top left is unfortunate as well. Pointing the camera slightly over to the right would have removed some, if not all, of this and taken the bird off centre as well for a better composition. Maybe rotating the camera to landscape as well if you had time and had her staring out into the distance? That too would have lessened the foreground distractions.


Using a tripod and gimbal eliminates the need to reach for
higher SS to compensate for eventual HH camera shake.

— 1/2500, f11, iso 2500
These tell me that the SS is too high, ƒ8 would suffice and
keep you on the better optical side and, finally, considering
the previous settings, the ISO could have been dropped to
more reasonable lower values.

What are your other settings on what camera make, Stu?

Hey Daniel , the camera is a Canon 1Div do you mean ai servo high speed continous etc. I very rarely take images at low iso mate of wildlife or birds. These guys can move so quickly my main concern is a sharp file so I always push iso for SS I'm pretty happy with where it is taking me kiddo

.A group of photographers have led me in this. They make some of my favourite images just stunning in their ability,so I just trust 'em and get on with doing what I do with me ickle mates ( wildlife) sneaking about and getting close:D TBF on this first outing with my new toys hi hat and gimbal I probably perform better HH , it's all a learning curve a tripod might be steadier,but one has to use it properly;) I feel I could have done better ,but that will come. :)

Mate if I get me exp right ie ettr then the higher iso's do not worry me.I don't actually consider 2500 high really Daniel. Let me qualify that I so rarely shoot lower for me it's normal with so little choice in when I can get out there, often its much higher.

Even just with canon's own free processing I can see,( ha ha I learning bro I don't trust me at all:)) that I can deal with noise. Mate as these processors and "digi"land progress with ever improved abilities to control noise,I feel we can push things. My camera is two generations off the canon flagship,but dpp4 is such a progression even these files seem maliable.

so with any animal almost (ok slouths might be out:D) I guess at this time i am trying for a pin sharp file in the areas I want on my subject With a beasties ability to suddenly do what ever ....................sneeze flap. I suppose I am hedging my bets that loss of detail through any form of motion blur is a greater risk than worrying on higher iso. I guess it's a strategy Daniel. Mate I in no way there yet but I'm happy with where this is taking me

Daniel is there anything in the image tells you the Ss is too high? Point taken on f mind beside the long ol tail I'm probably musing the hare(actually hares it was brill toooo :cool:) beside me. the phessies and redlegged were so funny though coming up shouting necks going.

Daniel i'm not there yet my techs are something i question almost always As with pretty much everything else I do with a camera But not this way of thinking ,that one can push iso and get a better chance of what one wants sharp in a bird or animal image It's just how we use and learn to use our tools I suppose

cheers for the thoughts
No problems with the techs on my part Stu - the camera can handle it and it means you got a nice sharp RAW file t work with.

I do think the shot wold have been stronger without the mush in the left foreground and the clutter top left is unfortunate as well. Pointing the camera slightly over to the right would have removed some, if not all, of this and taken the bird off centre as well for a better composition. Maybe rotating the camera to landscape as well if you had time and had her staring out into the distance? That too would have lessened the foreground distractions.


Hey Mike,mate, I am never sure with me old techs:D but that will be a long time changing I feel they are getting better nearer but ya know;) I seem to be taking slow steps forward for me high iso seems to work. It makes sense logically............. processing power is ever better ever more sophisticated noise will become less of an issue,tis the same with music mate I play record bla de bla With both media noise is what it is can be creatively used but didgi is harsh one can't clip anologue somewhat more forgiving at capture getting the exp right is pretty important I feel and ya can't crop much it's learning what the tools can do now really I guess

Ha mate totally love your framing part o your reply to this image:cool: agree all wise words !! He he, I liked the mush and even more so the distraction up top.................b*gger :D

Hey ho,mate I wouldn't have you say anything other than what you did though:) I think what is attracting me is the lines the rut the triangles almost from that long bit of grass and the mush is almost framing vignette type of thing, but cool thinking I can see what you ,you were driving at

Cool to have the differing opinions lads ,for me there is much wisdom in this way of thinking ,don't know rights or wrongs just works for me:)

take care both

Daniel is there anything in the image tells you the Ss is too high?

No… but I see that this subject didn't need such high SS.

This shot I got today. 600mm ƒ4 @ ƒ8 • 1/1000s • ISO 180 •
M mode • BBF • SP AF-C/H… in Nikon language. Not the
best shot one could get but the capture was correct.

