HeWhoKnows Project 52 (2011) - Week 10 added - TRIO

Lovely sharp image Matt, processing is great and makes the tomatoes look metallic. Think I would prefer to see the tomatoes sitting on something or appear to hang more naturally, not sure though:thinking:
Hi, Matt, really like your trio photograph. The processing works really well - the almost looks metalic.

May be too early and I haven't quit woken up yet, but the storks, to me, seem to be stood on the tomatos and appear to be moving towards me - there's definitely a figure there...:wacky: Reminds me of somthing out of a Tim Burton film.

Split processing...need to read up on tghis.

May be too early and I haven't quit woken up yet, but the storks, to me, seem to be stood on the tomatos and appear to be moving towards me - there's definitely a figure there...:wacky: Reminds me of somthing out of a Tim Burton film.


No way, thats weird. Hadent noticed it until you mentioned it and yeah it does look like there is a figure there :cautious: strange!!!