Hi from London!

Edit My Images
Hi everyone. Joined the forum a couple of weeks ago but have only just go around to posting this!

I've enjoyed photography for many years and as a teenager even had my own basic darkroom for developing B&W photos - a very small one under the stairs at home!!

Over the years family and making ends meet resulted in photography as an active hobby taking a back seat.

A couple of years ago picked up a Samsung V4 point & shoot mainly to record a family trip this reignited the photography bug - especially with me being able to tie it in with my other hobby/vice of messing about with computers!

Upgraded to a Panasonic Z18 at the start of 2008 which was a vast improvement on the Samsung. Then in Septmeber I won a Canon 450D with a 18-55mm zoom and a Tamron 70-200mm lens (offer at Jessops I beleive) in a raffle in September - the best £5 I've every spent!!!!!

Most of my photos are currently nothing more than snaps but I've already found this forum a huge source of knowledge and inspiration. Relearning/remembering how to use an SLR as opposed to a P&S is something I'm really enjoying - all I need know is some spare time to get out and take some pictures.

By way of personal info I'm 42 work as a Tube Driver on London Undergound, married with 2 kids and a cat!
Hi & Welcome:D
Hi and welcome :wave:
Welcome! :)