Hi from sunny Northants

Edit My Images
Hi all,

Having tried other fora previously (some dead, so overly serious and some WAY too busy to follow a thread!) I finally found TP and have signed up today. A bit about my photography.....

I've been taking pictures since I was about 6 and progressed through loads of point'n'shoots until getting my first SLR about 15 years ago (a film EOS 1000). I then progressed through a 300D to my current and relatively new 7D which I love. 45 years on I am still learning, still making mistakes and loving it even more :)

I take pictures of travel, aircraft, sport, local scenes, friends & family, cars (especially mine!) and have just started to dabble in wildlife a bit. I try to record what I see as it was when I saw it so I don't try to create exotic artistic shots of stuff like pebbles, post boxes and dead leaves! I tend to use post processing for correction not creation. Old fashioned perhaps but that's me!

I'll bung some pictures up at some point in the relevant fora and allow the carnage to commence ;)
oo another northampton person :D

welcome to tp, theres loads of locals round this way :D