Hired a 12-24 and went to ingleton falls

Craig Denton
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Many thanks to lenses for hire, i now know that my next purchase will be a 12-24 lens.

Went to Ingleton Falls on friday afternoon / evening to walk the waterfall trail.

its 4.5 miles long, but took 5 and a half hours, i was absolutly knackered, but god was it worth it!!!!!!:D










any comments welcome
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tried to post images properly, but it wasnt working right tonight

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really good images mate!
Lovely set

Stangely enough my favourite is no. 7. Partly because I'm not sure I've seen anyone take that shot before and I just love the texture of the water.

No. 9 is also nice even though there isn't a waterfall in the picture as its not often photographed.

I like the idea of no. 8 just can't make my mind up about the water.

You were lucky there was just a nice flow. Last time I went round it was in full flood and using a long shutter speed didn't work all that well as there was too much water and it was also very brown looking from all the peat.

But 5 & a half hours to go round. You must have taken one heck of a lot of photos.

No.1 for me and No.7 although it looks a bit mushy

what about cropping No.6 to the top of the main rock?
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I really like these you know. With 2, 6 and 9 my pick of the bunch. Some great compositions imo:clap:
hi, i really like them shots, my top 3 would be 2,3 and 5 ( in no particular order) i think the creamy look is spot on, did you use any filters or did the weather play in your favour?

hi, i really like them shots, my top 3 would be 2,3 and 5 ( in no particular order) i think the creamy look is spot on, did you use any filters or did the weather play in your favour?


no filters, all i have done is a little unsharp mask, and the frame, with the exception of #9 where i used a black grad on a soft light layer to bring the sky out a little deeper
Great shots :clap: It's a great place been many times :)
Well worth the effort! #s 2, 7 & 8 for me, I like the milky water effect. The composition on #2 works particularly well to my eyes.
Some great shots here, mate. It's nice to see you try the stop motion thing as well as the milky water thing :)
You have done well, although a lovely walk, the falls are sometimes difficult to photograph (fences/obstructions/troublesome light etc) and Thornton Force the only one you can get close to.

You have made the best use of difficult light with a series of creative compositions.

Well done
V good images, but I don't think the borders do anything to improve the shots. (that's my way of saying I don't like them - sorry!), but the images are impressive.
I love it up in Ingleton, you have done so well with these, not the easiest route to get good shots. My you took some time to get round though:LOL:

1 and 9 for me :clap:
3, 6 and 7 is where they shot the scene in Robin Hood- Prince of Thieves I believe.
Done that walk myself a few times, before I had the camera though, will have to go again.
The 1st one is my favourite of your set. :)
Its number 8 for me, I would put that on my wall :)