Holiday on your own?

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Hi all.

Has anyone ever gone on holiday on there own and used there love for photography as a viable reason to go out and enjoy life and explore new places?

I am thinking of doing the same in the future now that i am single and coming out of a marriage as things stand.

So many places i would love to visit and with my love for photography, i could potentially capture some amazing places and people too!

Am i nuts in suggesting this? or is it quite a common feat for fellow passionate photographers?

The downside with going with friends or family from my experience is that i cant dedicate a day or time to take my photos as it can effect the group i am with.
I can't see the problem at all with it myself. I know some people struggle with the concept but its no biggie really. It's nice if we go away with like-minded people but can be a pain when different ideas don't gel. I genuinely would go off on my own if I was (lucky enough to be !!!) in this position.

Can I throw in a recommendation please? Ho Chi Minh City is a great place!
I see no problem with it either. I'd do it in an instant if I didn't have a girlfriend. If you worry about being alone, perhaps with some like minded togs? Good company, all want to take photos, similar interests etc.
i actually dont mind going on my own as i would also love to meet up with other people there wherever i go!

Make new friends especially females :)

I just need to decide on places i want to visit.

i think i will plan something end of January as thats when my current contract ends.

i am a freelance software developer so this type of lifestyle of traveling on my own could suit me and my current career!

Think im all set!
You have the added advantage, presumably, that you can work from anywhere in the world. Sounds like an ideal combination to me.
Go for it. You're only young once.

The freedom of spending as much time as you need to get the shots you want in the places, and at the time, you want.
Hi all.

Has anyone ever gone on holiday on there own and used there love for photography as a viable reason to go out and enjoy life and explore new places?

I am thinking of doing the same in the future now that i am single and coming out of a marriage as things stand.

So many places i would love to visit and with my love for photography, i could potentially capture some amazing places and people too!

Am i nuts in suggesting this? or is it quite a common feat for fellow passionate photographers?

The downside with going with friends or family from my experience is that i cant dedicate a day or time to take my photos as it can effect the group i am with.

I spent a week in New York by myself about 18 months ago. One of the best holidays i've ever had (y)
Definitely go for it!

Remember a photography trip I had a few years ago with the ex - she said all the right things but you you could tell she was getting cheesed off after 3 hours on the beach near Dunstanburgh castle while I was waiting for the break in the clouds that never came.

Now I just head out and enjoy the peace while waiting for the light - with a clear conscience!!
It's quite liberating, go for it.

A few years back i went and spent Christmas and new year in Peru on my own, did the Inca Trail and stuff. There aren't many better photographic subjects than Machu Piccu :)

No one has ever laid on their death bed wishing they travelled less.
I love getting away by myself on a wee photography trip. We have at least one, if not two family holidays per year, but I also take a 3 or 4 day photo trip by myself. This year I went to Malta. In previous years I went to Amsterdam, New York, Rome, Madrid, Paris, Barcelona and Dallas. I'd like to go to Valencia next....

GO FOR IT! (y)
Go for it. You're only young once.

The freedom of spending as much time as you need to get the shots you want in the places, and at the time, you want.

Absolutely right, in fact if you want to spend time taking pics having a companion can be a pain in the jacksie since you will likely make compromises to suit the other person.
Thanks all i am definetly going for it!

End of January i am thinking of going somewhere exotic and warm.

Vietnam maybe as someone mentioned :)
Thanks all i am definetly going for it!

End of January i am thinking of going somewhere exotic and warm.

Vietnam maybe as someone mentioned :)

you dont know, you was'nt there man - it was hell I tell ya, hell :LOL::LOL:

go for it- sounds like an ideal place to visit being a photographer-look forward to seeing your images in due course

Have a good trip

Les :D
Did it for 10 years, some years I loved it some I didn't.

Best one I did and have done a number of times since was Malta.

Great food, great people who speak English.

Loads to see and do, loads to photograph. You do need to do a little research but there is everything from motoring and aircraft museums to roman ruins, silent cities, I could go on because I love the place.

Don't think of doing it just do it :D
I'd go Cambodia or Laos if you're heading that way, friendlier people, less tourist ripoffs.

That said, North Vietnam highland around Sapa, and Ha Long bay are pretty spectacular....although Angkor *** trumps both :)
I've often travelled on my own, sometimes staying away for weeks or months - I think everyone should do it if they get the chance, it's incredibly liberating and you'll end up doing things you would never normally consider if you had other people in tow. It's also a fantastic way to meet new friends. Obviously personal safety is key, so lots of research and good preparation is important.
Cheers for the replies. Just going to decide on where to go end of January. I may go somewhere before the end of the year for a long weekend somewhere in Europe.
Go for it, I always travel alone and really enjoy it.
Roll on November, a whole month off and going to S.E. Asia for a wander around.
I'd love to go to Hawaii and get some shots of all the volcanoes and lava flows. Volcanoes have been a massive passion of mine since I was in primary school and my first test with full marks was about volcanoes. I just love them:LOL:

I would do anything to get there but with the funds I'm on now and with two disabled children under 4 I won't get to go anytime soon, or probably ever. It's just a pipe dream for now but hopefully some point it will come true.

I say go for it whilst you have the chance and make the most of every minute.
do it! life is too short not too! i plan to spend long weekends on my own around europe once every 2 months next year to take photos.

sorry for poor grammar. typing one handed , daughter is asleep on me lol
Any general tips on travelling on your own like language barrier. How to stay safe etc?

Always shout slowly in english so you can be understood :D
Just be aware of your surroundings and don't wear flash watches etc, money belt is a good idea, just be sensible.
Any general tips on travelling on your own like language barrier. How to stay safe etc?
In most of Europe the language barrier is unlikely to be a huge problem. But it is always good manners to master a few key phrases and not just expect everyone to automatically talk to you in English, even if they are perfectly capable of doing so. The effort will almost always be appreciated and avoids making you look like one of those arrogant brits who thinks "why should I bother, everyone speaks English anyway."

Even just learning the equivalents of please and thank you will go a long way, but trying out more is always worthwhile.

Regarding safety, in Western Europe you'll need no more street smarts than you'd use in an unfamiliar part of the UK. And many places are far safer than home. Pickpockets can be a bigger problem in some major European cities than in the UK but basic common sense precautions should see that this isn't a problem.
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right thats in folks.

The prep and planning starts now.

Once i decide where i want to go end of Jan 2014 i will start planning the trip.

Gear wise all i need is a solid light weight solid tripod. carbon fibre in other words as i be lugging it around on my travel.

Are Gitzo's really worth the price?

Places i think to go are:

LA and Las Vegas(Road trip going across the desert/death valley etc en route to Vegas).

any other suggestions?

I have only been to paris, Philippines,HK and Orlando/Miami.

It will most likely be for two weeks around february in one of the above places or more if need more time out there.
I'm in the same boat so thanks for the encouragement. I have a budget of £1500 quid and some time off work, I just don't know where to go and if I don't do something soon it will be another year where I don't do anything.
I'm pretty much set on going Vietnam .

I am now planning my trip .

Should I book hotels in advance or just go there and see which hotels are available ?

I am also debating if I should travel light ie just bring a backpack with my camera gear and some essentials .

My plan is to go sapa tracking along for landscape shots and then to the main capital and harbour near there.

After that I will stay at the city in the south with all the sky scrapers and do some shopping there . 3 weeks minimum i have.

I think that should be enough to keep me busy every day I'm there.

My budget will be around 2k
I'm pretty much set on going Vietnam .

I am now planning my trip .

Should I book hotels in advance or just go there and see which hotels are available ?

I am also debating if I should travel light ie just bring a backpack with my camera gear and some essentials .

My plan is to go sapa tracking along for landscape shots and then to the main capital and harbour near there.

After that I will stay at the city in the south with all the sky scrapers and do some shopping there . 3 weeks minimum i have.

I think that should be enough to keep me busy every day I'm there.

My budget will be around 2k

The amount of travelling around you wish to do, I'd be more inclined to take a large travel rucksack, providing carrying it isn't an issue for you. Hotels is hard to say, in the more touristy areas, I'd book in advance, the rest, I think I'd wing it.
I'm pretty much set on going Vietnam .

I am now planning my trip .

Should I book hotels in advance or just go there and see which hotels are available ?

I am also debating if I should travel light ie just bring a backpack with my camera gear and some essentials .

My plan is to go sapa tracking along for landscape shots and then to the main capital and harbour near there.

After that I will stay at the city in the south with all the sky scrapers and do some shopping there . 3 weeks minimum i have.

I think that should be enough to keep me busy every day I'm there.

My budget will be around 2k

I wouldn't count on landscapes in Sapa, unless you like fog. Climbed Fansipan, which I'm glad I did, but it was two days of cold, wet, muddy, fog-bound slog, for about 5 minutes of view :) You will need to have a way of keeping your kit dry as *everything* will be soaked through.

Ha Long Bay is a sure fire winner for shooting though.

Hanoi has some charm, but Saigon I got bored with very quickly, just another sex tourist backpacker tourist ripoff spot.

I would really really really really recommend taking a bus to Siem Reap and shooting Angkor *** if you are coming all the way over this part of the world.
Hanoi has some charm, but Saigon I got bored with very quickly, just another sex tourist backpacker tourist ripoff spot.

I would really really really really recommend taking a bus to Siem Reap and shooting Angkor *** if you are coming all the way over this part of the world.

Cool I will consider that.

Is the weather nice there in February ?

What beaches do you recommend near ho chi minh city?
Not done any of the beaches in Southern Vietnam. I gather the nicest beaches are in the 'middle' from Da Nang to Nha Trang.

In Sapa the guides said it's only clear a few weeks a year...don't get me wrong it has it's own charm being swathed in fog, but don't go expecting landscapes stretching into the distance, it's close to China so the air is pretty filthy still at certain times of the year.

Spent last Christmas in Sihanoukville which is a beach town just over the border in Cambodia, pretty cool spot.

I just got a bit fed up having to argue everything in Vietnam because everyone is trying to rip you off, having to shout at taxi drivers to stop because they have a crazy ripoff meter that is flying round like a time machine. Found Cambodia much more relaxed, cheaper, nicer people.
I was single until about 5 years ago and I used to go everywhere on my own with a camera for company. Unfortunately I didn't have enough money to buy the kit I have now so I took a Panasonic bridge camera (various models from FZ20 to FZ50).

Now I'm married and I've inherited 2 kids and a dog which takes up too much time to do as I used to, but I've managed to get the wife into photography and she has her own setup and we're planning to kick out and do similar things I used to once the kids have fled the nest. There's so many places I still want to shoot and I'd love to re-visit Venice as my camera broke after taking 10 shots last time I was there.