Hollie - my new pup

bet you cant guess!!!!!
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My christmas present to myself !!!!!:love:

Get it right eventually !!!!! lol :) xx
She looks like trouble! Very cute though.

Better but bloomin tiny :) We have friends with vimarana's, you are either very brave or have boundless energy :LOL:

lol @Hollie and the look that says "So Human, you think you will defeat me?"

Have fun, love little 'uns :)
Awww......I think we're having turkey this year :naughty:

Oi I'm the norty one around here Flash :D

Nice looking pup with attitude (y)

I know what you are about to go through :D I have a (now) 5 year old GSP
She'll quieten down eventually ( so the myth goes anyway:D)
Lol....she is very cute ....and very well behaved (so far......)...she is very responsive to training and loves to learn.......however is learning very fast how to take up the whole of the sofa:bang: should get her off ...but shes too cute ......asking for trouble me thinks :thinking:
what a cute pup
take plenty of pictures as she will grow quicker than you can change batteries
I adore dogs, especially my own labrador, but would strongly advise against allowing your dog on the furniture, however cute she is. Dogs are best if you dont allow them to think they are as important as you.
Hey chick, hows Hollie???.........oh and the boys, lol, Hollie looks gorgous in that photo, can't wait tomeet her :), will ring you tomorrow if your in, spk soon :) xx
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Thx everyone for your comments....she's growing too quickly.....and remind me again "WHY" did i get a puppy.....its like having a naughty toddler.....shes into everything.....still saves on the gym membership keeping up with her. Oh and shes got a disgusting habit of eating snails.....i thought the breed originated from germany not france....lol.....bless her :) xx

Get it right eventually !!!!! lol :) xx

Note to self, hide this thread from wifey and daughter :D

If they see this I'm sunk and will be pestered until they get one to.

Lovely shot and beautiful pup (y)
lovely, i have a 3 year old one. dont let her on seats or she will have you tied round her paw in no time. my one eats bark, raids the bins, follows me everywhere........sits in front of wood burner all night and when your backs turned they either jump on sofa or steal food. lovely natured though. the large cage helps, i wasnt keen at first, also a stint at obedience classes helps immensely.
enjoy and more importantly GOOD LUCK you know what i mean this time next year..................:)
awww very cute. my ex had a wiemeriener (sp) and we had our hands full. crazy!!
Looks like she doesn't approve of your camera shenanigans. :LOL:

Cute though.

edit: Forum kept censoring my bad grammar. :shakes fist: