Home studio shot

very nice shot, and I love the B&W conversion, my only niggle is the right side of her face looks slightly blown.
Lovely Solemn expression, really good conversion and soft lighting, the little white highlight on the neck line draws my eye but I think it's because I noticed it and fixated on it. Left me thinking, what's she is thinking about.
Personal taste I suppose but I don't like to see lipstick (?and eye make up?) on such a young girl.
It's called dressing up, kids love to do it now and then ;)

(This is going off thread ........)

Yes - I remember my daughter trying to put on make up. But in my view there is a difference between young girls experimenting in putting on make up and making a right mess of it and it being expertly applied (which I assume it has - not that I'm an expert on applying makeup:)).

I should say that - putting on one side my views on make-up - photographically it is good; depth of field is pretty well spot on and the straight lines of the ? T-shirt contrast nicely with the rounded features of the face, head and scarf.
I think the b&w works great.all round an image to be proud of:olympus:
(This is going off thread ........)

Yes - I remember my daughter trying to put on make up. But in my view there is a difference between young girls experimenting in putting on make up and making a right mess of it and it being expertly applied (which I assume it has - not that I'm an expert on applying makeup:)).

I should say that - putting on one side my views on make-up - photographically it is good; depth of field is pretty well spot on and the straight lines of the ? T-shirt contrast nicely with the rounded features of the face, head and scarf.

Definately not professionally done lol, my wife never wears makeup and never has and my daughters practically had to beg her to allow them to have it on and as the wife never wears any she dosn't own any so we had to go out and get a couple of bits from poundland ;)

My wife applied it.

I love it but I would be biased it's my daughter lol and it does look fantastic as a 40" x 30" print (y)

Will I do it again, probably not unless it's haloween as they don't need it but both my daughters had a lot of fun that day :) and that's all that counts in my book.
Having fun with Dad, and not being bored of more photos is always a good thing. Love the eyes and the black and white conversion (y)
Bryan - thanks for taking the trouble to respond specifically to my comments - agree with you that having fun is all that counts - even more so when you get older. As iain Banks said in 'Raw Spirit' (about his tour of every whiskey distillery in Scotland):

"The older I get the more I realise that life is about having fun, just so long as no-one else gets hurt."
(Or something like that anyway.)