Horse show

Out of the three the 2nd is the best, although needs closer cropping and straightening. The first is totally unflattering to both horse and rider, I think you need to stand up and at a 45degree angle to the jump. Again with the 3rd stand up. If you're the resident photographer you should be in the middle of the ring not standing on the side lines...
Thanks for the feed back, this was my first show and was experimenting. I'm normally a portrait person this was first time doing event. So will put what you say to practice!
jump shots need feet off the ground otherwise look like a statue... first pic is total under exposed on the rider...when rider jumpinmg and most background is sky then you need to over expose slightly.... as the resident photogrpaher I can only presume your able to move around .. so try to get positions without cars in backgrounds... HTH :)