How do I make a 2560x1440 image website friendly, 300kb+/-

Edit My Images
I'm curious as I found website template which has some bundled web page background images. They are all 2560x1440 72ppi and all are 300kb AND still have fairly good image quality when viewed full screen.

Heres what I've tried so far on a couple of my own photos:
Image size = 2560x1440 (bicubic)
Then Save for web and adjust quality down to 30
Resulting image sizes have been 499kb and just over 700kb... and they really dont look as nice as the free ones with the quality setting so low.

Anyone have any tips on how to achieve a small image size without loosing so much of the image quality?
I'm curious as I found website template which has some bundled web page background images. They are all 2560x1440 72ppi and all are 300kb AND still have fairly good image quality when viewed full screen.

Heres what I've tried so far on a couple of my own photos:
Image size = 2560x1440 (bicubic)
Then Save for web and adjust quality down to 30
Resulting image sizes have been 499kb and just over 700kb... and they really dont look as nice as the free ones with the quality setting so low.

Anyone have any tips on how to achieve a small image size without loosing so much of the image quality?

Can you show us an example of your photos and the photos that were included?
Why do you need 2560 images? Compressing will help stop people ake huge prints but anything that lkooks decent will also print decent and unless you are watermarking these heavily, I reckon you could probably get a decent quality 20" print from images of that resolution.
Although it sounds large, thats the native resolution of my monitor I use, its also the resolution of the free use images. So if I can get my own photos to a similar size in kb while keeping the same pixel dimensions I'd be happy that anyone else viewing on monitors up to the same size as mine will be getting the best quality background in the browser. As its a responsive background I didnt want to use say 1280x??? as it would become enlarged for users with larger monitors.
I'm really not worried about watermarking as the photos I'm using for the wallpaper are themed to the particular website and taken with a point and shoot whilst out and about.

Not sure if I can post the photos up here as they are free to use, but only as a part of the template.

Just tried the free jpegmini and its worked a little bit ... looking at the free photos vs. mine, I am trying to make quite detailed photos smaller (woodland scenes) so yes there is a fair bit of contrast too. Will keep playing :)