How do you clean your lenses?

throw 'em in the dishwasher - but ensure that you have plenty of rinse aid or you'll get smear marks all over the filter :D

oh come on now you're just being ridiculous.....

...everyone knows rinse-aid damages the coating ;)
I use my cleaning agent for my bike:

Hope's **** Shifter! or if none of that is going some Muc-Off

EDIT: damn swear filter - Its a trademarked name!
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I stick my cloths in the sink with soap and handwash, I have some handwash for goretex clothing, it is designed not to leave a residue as this can knacker the goretex membrane, it's called Nikwash, but pretty sure any soap would do, just dont stick them in the washer, whatever that is?, as conditioner will leave a residue.

Really good rinse out and they're good to go

Good tip, I've got some of that Goretex wash so will give it a try(y)
Wire brush and dettol.

I nearly knocked my coffee over my laptop with that one. :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

I wonder how many of us have used the spit and T shirt when out in the field and have forgotten the lens cloth? :eek:

Just to resurrect this thread a little. How about cleaning the camera body and connection ports?

Theres loads of nooks and crannies that are gathering dust and I'm a little hesitant to get the hoover on it until I know more.
I've done the t-shirt thing :D But as an old habit of wearing glasses for years I have cotton cloths everywhere which I use too.

I also have rinsed it under the tap. Ok it was only the filter, but still :D

I'm using my lens pen for flicking dust out of anywhere on my camera, works wonders.. probably not the correct method, but what harm can it do :D

Edit: Disclaimer; anywhere BUT the sensor, definitely not the sensor - leave the poor sensor alone!
Bassjunkie has it about right - use anything to get it clean and back into the fight when on a job; a bit more carefully with blowers, brushes and microfibre cloths when the filters come off for a major home-service.

Rob has it spot on there!
Think about it... there's *hardly* any difference in reality if you use a filter, but the big advantage is that you can take it off and be left with a pristine front element every time.

And I'm not trying to start yet another "filter or no filter" war. It's up to you, I really don't care personally. I made my mind up years ago.
Oh one other thing - clear the rear lens cap, Im 99% sure that's where dust got into my camera - the rest I kept dust-free, kept open part down etc - the caps got chucked in a bag anyold how, now I'm cleaning them when needed/when I can.
Just wipe with my shirt, works every time for me :) I'm pretty Anal about keeping my stuff clean aswell..
Chuck em in the sink with the washing up?
Just wipe with my shirt, works every time for me :) I'm pretty Anal about keeping my stuff clean aswell..

:LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL: Shirt it is, then! Of course I'll be picking one out of the wifes wardrobe :whistle:
As mentioned before, Rocket-Blower, LensPen(s), MicroFibre/ lint-free cloths, IPA spray, etc.... And, as Rob said on page-1, use what's to hand when out & about in order to save losing 'the shot', leaving the meticulous cleaning for when at home.

However, beyond repeating what others have said; currently, Jessops are doing a special offer on a set of varying sizes of LensPens complete with a decent MicroFibre cloth. Reduced to £15 quid. Got mine last week, imo, not a bad deal if you've got a Jessops shop near-ish to you (y)

Linky >>>
Used nappies are very good for getting them clean!! Leave them for a week before using!! lol
Rocket Blower, Lenspen, microfibre and ipa spray for are any greasy marks.
Just watch for the wench with the vanish bottle, as she says it removes all stains
and dirt. but me i go for lens pen & soft cloth.