How long does the buzz last ???

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Having had a Sony a200 off Santa, I've just been out for a walk round the local park with me camera.
And in spite of the weather being dull and gloomy, I loved it :D
I took most of the photo's on auto, but experimented with the Aperture priority setting.
I've ordered the book 'Understanding Exposure' from Amazon, which a few on here have recommended, and now i'm going to load the pics on to my PC to see if there's any worth sharing - which there won't be, but I don't give a damn, cos I can only get better and I'M LOVING IT :clap::clap::clap:
Well I first felt the buzz in July 1975 (Zenith EM) and it hasn't really ever gone away. So your in for a good time if you ask me.
Looks like you are starting out the right way..........enjoy(y)
exactly the attitude. good on you and keep it up. (y) and since ive had my 350D ive not put it down it goes everywhere with me...
im buzzing right NOW :LOL: :LOL:
The buzz becomes less of a buzz after time, so you find yourself chasing the bigger buzz. You'll experiment with different modes and eventually manual.

That buzz won't be enough after a while, and you'll soon find yourself looking for multiple exposures to get that kick and before you know it you'll be shooting full frame 9 exposure shots just to get going in the mornings.

It's a dangerous habit to get yourself hooked on, trust me.

Best call Frank.

And feeding the buzz is a very expensive passtime :)
The buzz is opening your credit card statement every month!!! There's always something new on there!! Oh, then you've got to pay it, not much of a buzz there.
Brought down to earth with a bump cos I can't get my pics onto my pc :bang:
For some reason, my card reader has stopped working and when I try to connect my wonderful A200 via the usb cable, I get this message on my camera.
'Initializing USB connection' - but nothing happens.
A quick google search seems to say that my computer may be too old and although i've got Windows XP, it must be one of the first editions, which my camera software doesn't support.
Unless I can download some sort of fix (which I haven't found yet) i'm going to have to try to convince the wife that we need a new computer.

Better start honing my persuasive powers :love:
Try connecting your camera to the computer and then turning it on. This should then allow you to access the camera through Windows Explorer (it should show up as a new external drive in the left hand panel).

You should then be able to access the file structure of the camera to copy/paste (or cut/paste) the .jpg files to your computer directly.

If you copy/paste, this will leave the originals on the memory card, whereas cut/paste will delete them.
Just tried that but no luck. I didn't get a new external drive showing in the left hand panel :-(
I've found a camera installation wizard in my Control Panel.
I'll try that.
Back later
Glad you are enjoying your new camera, the book you have ordered is superb, you will love it and it is so easy to read and take in !!
Can't you just buy a new card reader, they are very cheap!!

The buzz becomes less of a buzz after time, so you find yourself chasing the bigger buzz. You'll experiment with different modes and eventually manual.

That buzz won't be enough after a while, and you'll soon find yourself looking for multiple exposures to get that kick and before you know it you'll be shooting full frame 9 exposure shots just to get going in the mornings.

It's a dangerous habit to get yourself hooked on, trust me.

Best call Frank.


I tried calling Frank,but as he works at Jessops it just made matters worse :bonk:
Glad you are enjoying your new camera, the book you have ordered is superb, you will love it and it is so easy to read and take in !!
Can't you just buy a new card reader, they are very cheap!!


Problem is, the card reader plugs in to the same usb as lead that came with the camera.
And that doesn't work :shrug:
Sounds to me as though there may be an issue with the USB socket on the PC.

Do you have more than one socket on the computer?
I have always loved Photography and the buzz of my camera from last december is still there. recently I went on a course and it made it all the more better!!!
Well I first felt the buzz in July 1975 (Zenith EM) and it hasn't really ever gone away. So your in for a good time if you ask me.

That was my 1st camera too, bought secondhand when I was 15 in 1976, I remember getting my 1st telephoto lens, a 135mm, screwing it on and thinking WOW :D
The wizard hasn't worked :bang:
I've plugged my sat nav into the same usb and its fine.
Its got to be a software problem - which, according to Mr Google, is what others with the same problem have found.
The wizard hasn't worked :bang:
I've plugged my sat nav into the same usb and its fine.
Its got to be a software problem - which, according to Mr Google, is what others with the same problem have found.
Odd that it doesn't show up as an external drive on your computer when you connect it though :thinking:
Have you downloaded all the updates from the microsoft update wizard, I think there on service pack 3 now
Did you install any software for the Sony - if so try uninstalling that and see of you can get the card reader working again. IF you can then just put your memory card into that and forget connecting the PC. Also do you have a printer with a built in card reader? If so do these work?
im buzzing right NOW :LOL: :LOL:

Deviant :D

I still have the buzz, I bought my camera earlier this year, and I'm still loving it, I'm even starting to enjoy shooting things I never used to.
USB v.1 or USB v2..?

Haven't got a clue :shrug:

I tired downloading Windows updates but my PC won't let me do that either :eek:

It just freezes before its finished.

I've had this one since 2002 so it hasn't done bad.
Now I'm seriously thinking new PC
Now I'm seriously thinking new PC

If so hen I'd certainly be thinking self-build, you'll save a packet and you'll only have the programs you really need and want rather than a system that's choked with free crap. I built my last PC and it was the best thing I did, and it cost me around £600.
I'm like a broken record... Get a Mac, I did a year ago and haven't looked back.
A few people on here are running Ubuntu, it's a free operating system that's dead easy to install and has given my old laptop a bit longer to live.
It could be a USB1.1/USB2 compatibility problem, but I doubt that as your satnav works, I recon it's something to do with the way the camera is formatting the card, that would explain why you can't do it by reader or cable.
Get anything important on your PC backed up as a priority before you mess about too much.
Oh, and the cold weather has killed my Buzz at the mo. But as mentioned before the initial Buzz gets replaced with a desire to get some aspect right and when you do then the Buzz just grows and you end up with shorter but more intense hits.
Thanks for all your tips.
A combination of updating windows, re installing my Sony software and changing usb plugs seems to have worked. I've now got my photo's on my PC.
Now i've just got to take some photo's worth posting.
But 'Understanding Exposure' arrived this morning (only ordered it yesterday with free postage from Amazon) so i'll go read that first :)

Happy days are here again !
Thanks for all your tips.
A combination of updating windows, re installing my Sony software and changing usb plugs seems to have worked. I've now got my photo's on my PC.
Now i've just got to take some photo's worth posting.
But 'Understanding Exposure' arrived this morning (only ordered it yesterday with free postage from Amazon) so i'll go read that first :)

Happy days are here again !

And there's that buzz again! (y)
Stokie your enthusiasm is infectious! I love to see folk get really into their hobbies like you are. I have been interested in cameras for a few years but since I got me new Nikon a few months back, photography is all I think about now:)
Glad to hear you are up and running Stokie.

Be warned, there will be another problem just around the corner, but then that's the buzz of the hobby.

"Now how do I make this work......?"
The 'buzz' will, if you are lucky, lastthe rest of your may wane occasionally and sometimes it will grip you so hard you HAVE to get out there or explode, but it will hopefully last and always be there. When you need escape, solace, peace, when you need company and fun, it'll be there. :D

...and please excuse me if the Mr J Daniels is talking :LOL: