How much would you charge

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Someone has asked me if i could go to there place ( they live in Milton Keynes) I live in Scotland. As they would like a photo shoot. I'm just wondering as there are alot of full time photographers on hear. What would you charge( giving a rough idea) etc.
Leaving the charge thing aside for the time being... are they mad by any chance? What would possess anyone to do that? It just doesn't add up in any shape or form to me, sorry... :shrug:
well how about considering charging and expenses separately. Charge what you would charge if it was next door and then add on a charge for your time traveling your transport costs and your hotel cost. Maybe don't give this person the separate costs but consider them in your head before deciding on what to charge.

also maybe the business forum woulda been a better shout?
dek raises a good point in a non harsh way you aren't a zack arias or other mega famous tog why doesn't this person want someone in the south east to do it?
On the other hand...if they're happy to cover your costs for travelling etc, then why not!

You could always charge enough on top to give you some spending money for a night or 2 in London :)
Simple answer.

day rate + 40p per mile (total mileage) + any accomodation and food costs - keep it sensible, if you have a steak and chips in the bar, thats fair, go to Micael Le Roux and spend £50 on a starter alone...unreasonable!

Day rate includes PP and delivery by the way - it just keeps things simpler.

What is a day rate? Depends on the client and the use. I was shooting a brochure for Honda the other day - £1200 for that one, + exs.
your normal rate plus travel and expenses - same as any other job...simple...and if she's happy using you why the hell not?
your normal rate plus travel and expenses - same as any other job...simple...and if she's happy using you why the hell not?

exactly she asked, I'm not going to turn down an offer like that. All experience and it could be a little holiday aswell.