How NOT to clean your Camera !

I hope he removed the battery first otherwise it could short out and might cause some damage to the camera :D
I have no idea why he thought this would clean his camera and lens ! :wacky:.. yeah lets hope he removed the battery first ! :D
He doesn't actually clean the camera and lens very thoroughly, just dunks them a few times and a bit of a rub here and there. To do it properly you need a brillo pad plus an old toothbrush to get into the nooks and crannies.
I tend to use some solvent and grit blaster to do mine. Might as well do a proper job!
All joking aside, do you think there's any chance that some numpty will see this and really think this is OK and destroy their camera. If so, would love to see the reaction of the service tech that gets given the job of trying to find out why it stopped working.

After all, when the spoof reports came out about the Iphone 5 being waterproof there were reports of a number of people dunking their new phones to try out the sealing (with the obvious consequences).
Had to close the link as I went out just in case the wife saw it and thought she would 'do me a favor'...............