how to cut this out to remove back ground

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right i took this picture the other day, i want to cut the toaster out and have it on a plan white or what ever colour back ground so i can have it printed on to a t shirt, whats the best way to do this???

Toaster by lewis wilson, on Flickr

thnaks people
Hi mate,
Easiest way on an image like that is using the magic wand tool to select all the black outlines, then moving that onto a new layer.


This is an ideal candidate for the pen tool in Photoshop... done in a few moments.


Definitely use the pen tool. Anything else should be illegal when cutting something out.
I would probably have magic wand the background blue then invert the selection. Does Elements have the pen tool?
Dont think there is a pen tool in elements and reading about it it looks a lot more work with the Pen than magic wanding or quick selecting the black and blue areas. :shrug:
The truth of the matter is: There are various ways if doing this, its just about finding and using the way which is easiest and quickest for you. I know im prob going to be slated for saying this but there are a lot of YouTube tutorials you could watch to help you learn the tricks of the trade.
File>new>blank file, to give you a blank canvas. Open the toaster and use the move tool to drag it onto the blank, where it will become a new layer. You may have to fiddle with relative sizes. Shout if it all goes a bit runny, and don't worry about being dim. Society is probably to blame. :D