How to make money quick ish?

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I know this isn't photography related but I would like a 7D for Christmas, I've worked out how much I should get round about for my birthday and Christmas; around £700 hopefully. The 7D is £1000 on Amazon atm (my mam wont buy from anywhere else though) I have £55 saved up so far, any ideas how I could make £250 by Christmas? I'm 15 and really wana get it then. any ideas?
At the risk of sounding funny - have you got a job ?
Get a job, sell everything, in your household and don't tell anyone. Or just rob a bank, my preferred method ;)
When I was a youngster I earned money by washing dishes. You should be calling at Restaurants, maybe they could offer a few hours work at the week end.
If you have an another camera you can use up till Christmas, you can always sell your 500D :)

Or you can ask for a loan from your parents, like an "IOU". Ask them to pay the outstanding sum for the 7D ((£250), then after you have it in your hands, sell the 500D and give the proceeds to them them.

If there is any further outstanding sum after that, then offer to work it off by doing chores or pay them back bit by bit over a period of time. But make sure you do it without fail though, it will gain their trust and will make any favours in future that you ask for far more easier to negotiate :)
What camera equipment do you own at the moment?

err 500D :D its under his name :bang:

7Ds about £ 829.00 from digitalrev Ive used them a few times great service, they are members on here and have a good record

Let me know if you find out how to make cash quickly
err 500D :D its under his name :bang:

7Ds about £ 829.00 from digitalrev Ive used them a few times great service, they are members on here and have a good record

Let me know if you find out how to make cash quickly

But he states in his first post that his mam (oh how I hate that word, what is so wrong with mum??) won't buy from anywhere except Amazon.
OK Thanks, I'm on my phone usingTP mobile which doesn't show name etc.

What's wrong with the 500d, great little camera.

err 500D :D its under his name :bang:

7Ds about £ 829.00 from digitalrev Ive used them a few times great service, they are members on here and have a good record

Let me know if you find out how to make cash quickly
I think his mam needs to shop around a bit as they are 750 from panamoz with the BT discount
and that is the quickest an easiest £250 you could ever make
I was about to post something then realised you're only 15 and thought better of it :)

Good things come to those who wait...put all the money you've saved including your xmas money to one side, and if it takes another 6 months after xmas then so be it!
Graft for it. You may 'want' it by Christmas but if it takes a little longer and little more effort you will appreciate just what your spending and the camera will feel all the more special when you get your hands on it.
There's a lot of stuff on here that I use to here when I was a kid of 15.

Yes I had a paper round and a saturday job, I hated them both, but did find the money handy.
There seems to be less paper rounds these days, esp with local papers cutting down. It is expected the local rag here will soon become a weekly rather than a daily.

Saturday jobs are still available with retail outlets and some kitchen type jobs (Kitchen Assistant/Porter/Waiting Staff/ Barista, but with by-laws, and a sue mentality, many companies like young staff to be at least 19, (so it seems to me).

At 15, I remember wanting to be grown-up, but not a grown-up if that makes sense.
Of course, Christian, you need to find some part-time work if you can mate, and get your Old Dear to shop around and not stick to one retailer.

And when you are fifty, you will reply to your OP in a similar vein to all the other replies you've had. ;)
But he states in his first post that his mam (oh how I hate that word, what is so wrong with mum??) ..

Maybe because he is from the North of England, it was common to say mam where I grew up in the Liverpool area. Don't seem to hear it any more thank goodness, I much prefer Mum.
Lots of adverts in shops now for temporary jobs to cover the xmas period, just have to keep applying for any job you see.
yea, i have came across the problem of being too young for a saturday job and there isn't any paper rounds available although I did my friends paper round for two weeks while he was on holiday and I found it awful, taking me nearly two hours each day :( also its my mam's camera so I can't sell it although she cant use it anyway and gets me to take photos of her dolls for her business. I think I will have to just wait and save up, as long as I get it by the next summer holidays so I can take it on holiday where i think it would be most useful, also if I do good in my exams my mam and dad might put some more money towards it, but it depends, I should have saved earlier but I bought the 50mm f1.8 for this summer holidays :/

thank you for you help :)
I think the best advice given above is to buy it somewhere cheaper than Amazon. Why save up an extra £250 when you can just buy it £250 cheaper?
If your mother insists on buying it from Amazon then get her to pay the extra money for being too daft to chop around for a better deal.
I did my friends paper round for two weeks while he was on holiday and I found it awful, taking me nearly two hours each day :(

Like it or not, that's life Christian.

Many people on here (including me) grew up delivering papers at some god forsaken hour in the freezing cold or doing something equally awful but that's the reality of earning yourself some money.

Time spent working at 15 years of age is all about finding something that doesn't impact on your education which (to my mind) should always come first.

Hopefully you can find something that pays enough for you to not have to work too many hours and be able to save enough over time to get your camera.

At the end of the day you're 15 and looking to drop the best part of a grand on a camera that some people in full time employment would have to spend time saving for. I'm not saying you shouldn't go for it - just realise that these things take time.(y)
Like it or not, that's life Christian.

Many people on here (including me) grew up delivering papers at some god forsaken hour in the freezing cold or doing something equally awful but that's the reality of earning yourself some money.

Time spent working at 15 years of age is all about finding something that doesn't impact on your education which (to my mind) should always come first.

Hopefully you can find something that pays enough for you to not have to work too many hours and be able to save enough over time to get your camera.

At the end of the day you're 15 and looking to drop the best part of a grand on a camera that some people in full time employment would have to spend time saving for. I'm not saying you shouldn't go for it - just realise that these things take time.(y)

at 16 i was working weekends/holidays at a bike shop/hire place doing 8 hour days, 12 hours in the summer.

i did it because i loved bikes, got me discount on parts and i got what i wanted (a bloody amazing/expensive bike considering my age).

you dont get anything in this world if you dont work for it.

(lets not start talking about benefits lol)
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I must seem selfish now I look at it again, the thing is I am really interested in photography ever since my grandpa showed me his film camera, I've had the 500d ever since my mam bought it for her business two years ago, ever since I had been saving up for a good lens, the 70-200 f4l and 50 f1.8 (I also had to repair my phone last year, that was expensive and put me off buying the 50 f1.8 for a while) I was originally going to buy a new computer (build my own) but my mam was highly against and now since being on holiday and taking lots of photos ive changed my mind and I cant see how I wanted a computer in the first place, also I tried the 7d in the shop and relised what i was missing with the 500d, I previously thought there wasnt much of a difference but on holiday I noticed a few flaws and missed quite a lot of moments, there is dust on the sensor (i know its easily fixed) and I accidently rubbed off the focus points last year when I got dust on the focusing screen and thought a microfibre cloth would be sufficient, basically im in need of a new one in my opinion anyways. oh and btw I will be saving both christmas and birthday money (that's kinda a big thing for me)
Well you do come across as a spoilt brat. 7D for no particular reason, apart from I WANT ONE! Theses more to photography then equipment.
The Greek said:
Well you do come across as a spoilt brat. 7D for no particular reason, apart from I WANT ONE! Theses more to photography then equipment.

How is he spoilt? If he is saving/working for it, then that isn't spoilt.
We all want things even if we don't need them.

I don't need a d700, I don't need a landrover, I don't need an iPhone..

I worked hard to buy them because I wanted them. Does that make me spoilt too?
Hi Christian
nothing wrong in having high hopes and aspiring to great things :)

Now autumn is coming, if you have elderly neighbours that know you and your parents are agreeable, you might like to offer some help with gardening? Perhaps weeding / clearing leaves etc - £20 for a morning's help or thereabouts?

good luck with your enterprise, and I'll look forward to seeing some images from you in the future ;)
I'm pretty sure I said that "I would like one" I never say "want" because I'm afraid someone will say what you just said (the greek).

Thank you everybody else,
I'm allready planning on helping my granda and nanna in the garden, some of there neighbours are nice I'll ask them too, I now do daily chores to and I take photos for my mam's business.
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How is he spoilt? If he is saving/working for it, then that isn't spoilt.
We all want things even if we don't need them.

I don't need a d700, I don't need a landrover, I don't need an iPhone..

I worked hard to buy them because I wanted them. Does that make me spoilt too?

Well I might be wrong but his doing neither. Wish I could dream of owning a £1000 camera before Christmas without working. If anyone has any ideas on how I can buy a 5D without any money or a job please PM.
Well you do come across as a spoilt brat. 7D for no particular reason, apart from I WANT ONE! Theses more to photography then equipment.

Well I might be wrong but his doing neither. Wish I could dream of owning a £1000 camera before Christmas without working. If anyone has any ideas on how I can buy a 5D without any money or a job please PM.

You deeply unpleasant, pathetic little man. How dare you react to a child like that on here.

May your jealousy and bitterness swallow you up.


Christian -

Ring round all the event photography companies in your area and ask if they need assistants or runners. The going rate would be £25-35pd at your age, but you'll learn about photography whilst you're doing it.

Finding a position won't be easy, but persevere and try!

Good luck!
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Good luck Christian. You sound like you're taking a mature approach to me. You're not whinging or whining that no one will buy you one. You are trying to work out how to save for one. Respect to you mate. At least you want to spend your money on something sensible and not computer games or something.
Pity you don't live near Grimsby. I would have tried to give you a job cleaning the workshops at my business on a Saturday until Christmas.
Keep at it mate.

You deeply unpleasant, pathetic little man. How dare you react to a child like that on here.

Good luck!

Your right apart from little.

All I am saying is, at 15 years of age without an income, I was over the moon with what ever camera I could lay my hands on. I guess things have changed and Im in the wrong.
Well you do come across as a spoilt brat. 7D for no particular reason, apart from I WANT ONE! Theses more to photography then equipment.

Well I might be wrong but his doing neither. Wish I could dream of owning a £1000 camera before Christmas without working. If anyone has any ideas on how I can buy a 5D without any money or a job please PM.

Totally uncalled for and I feel ashamed that an adult member of TP would take that attitude toward a 15 year old poster :shake:
Christian has posted with maturity and dignity, and in fact some who should be older and wiser could do with taking some lessons in manners from him.
why don't you re-read this thread, it might give you some ideas... :|
Whilst reading this there's only one thing that keeps coming into my mind... why not a second hand 5D Mark II?

I've never understood why anyone other than sports/wildlife types would go for the 7D over a 5D.

Though good luck Christian, but if you do not get it by Christmas do not be disappointed, just keep on saving!
The Greek - hang your head in shame. How can he be spoilt when he's asking ways he can work his socks off- id have probably threw a wobbler if you said that to me when i was 15. Tut tut tut
I'm pretty sure I said that "I would like one" I never say "want" because I'm afraid someone will say what you just said (the greek).

Thank you everybody else,
I'm allready planning on helping my granda and nanna in the garden, some of there neighbours are nice I'll ask them too, I now do daily chores to and I take photos for my mam's business.

Good for you a) being polite answering the greek and b) starting to work for the money.

The earlier suggestion of contacting event photographers is a great idea., I'm one and if you were local I'd give you some work, just google event photographers and your area then email them with a bit about yourself. Also how about wedding photographers offering to carry their equipment around, you will need to be smartly dressed. When you email make sure it's clear you are not looking to actual shoot but to do the assisting. If you are good with people and can count event photographers often need sales people to print and take money.
sorry, maybe I shouldnt own a £1000 camera but that's what I'm interested in and frankly not your business, I asked if there was a good way to make the extra money I would need to get it by christmas and so far this thread has taught me I may have to wait and that's what will make it "oh so sweet" when I do have enough to buy it! (sorry for my previous reply, it was childish and didn't really make any sense)

thank you everybody else, you have been very helpful, I think that's a great idea to ring around the event photographers, too bad I didn't think of it before the Olympic torch went through Newcastle :( that would have been a great experience if I got a place.

Good luck Christian. You sound like you're taking a mature approach to me. You're not whinging or whining that no one will buy you one. You are trying to work out how to save for one. Respect to you mate. At least you want to spend your money on something sensible and not computer games or something.
Pity you don't live near Grimsby. I would have tried to give you a job cleaning the workshops at my business on a Saturday until Christmas.
Keep at it mate.


thanks, that's the impression I was trying to make :) Unfortunately I don't however that was a nice thought, thank you :)
Actually just as I posted that, I had a better idea.

Christian, I'd very strongly recommend buying yourself the top quality lenses that you are after (70-200 F/4 and such) instead of buying that 7D.

Think of it this way, a top quality lens such as the Canon L series will last you a life time if it's not bashed around too badly. Whereas a DSLR will become outdated in a few years. And you'll be skipping out the budget grade lenses, where people end up 'buying twice' and upgrading to the better quality lenses anyway.

If photography is something you believe you will always be serious about, I'd say buy the lenses, and keep using your mothers 500D whilst you can. It might not have the best controls but the the image quality at the end of the day is not going to be too different by buying a 7D, but could be vastly improved by buying great glass and it sounds like you have the cash to buy some very good glass.

I wonder if anyone would disagree with my advice here?