Humming bird hawk moth

Lovely shots. Spent two years living in France and never managed to catch one (on film/sensor).

Number one is absolutely cracking, love the focus on the eye - If I were being hyper critical i'd say that it would have been even better with the flower and proboscis in focus, but I apreciate that you might not have had the light to get that ammount of DOF and keep the shutter speed high.

on #2 IMO it could do with a crop as theres a bit too much out of focus flower to the right, but other than that another nice capture
Nice one there Tara. We've got an Albitzia tree in flower and it's smothered in the things in the early evening.

Why, thank y'all kindly!

Mr moose, I know what you saying about number 2, in fact there is tighter crop of the same shot on my flickr ;), but some times it's nice not to be quite so close:)

@ Bob, the silk trees are looking great this year aren't they? Hope we try some rain soon for everything else though!

These are being seen quite a lot in the UK at the moment. My 7yo son found one at his school on Monday, and a friend's dad had one in his Norfolk garden this week also. Now could be your chance!
Here are a couple from a recent holiday to southern France.


Awww, so cute. Great captures, 2 is my favourite for the extra bit of detail in the wing I think.
Very nice Tara (y)