I can't image she got any pleasure ......

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The woman driver of this car had a lucky escape the other day whilst driving over one of the South Pennine moorland routes, thankfully she was treated for just minor injuries

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And where did she leave the road..........

.............right up there!

How relieved must she have been when she eventually stopped

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Well, "boom boom" is a euphemism for filling her rompers!
Probably the same sat nav as mine.

Just turn left now, it doesn't matter there no road there.
Airlift recovery for that car then, wonder how the suspension handled that.

Well its still there so none of the local tatters have a winch long enough!
Nah! Easy enough to use extension cables and an electric winch to do it in stages without breaking a sweat. (By extension cables, I mean steel cable with eyelets swaged/spliced in each end to extend the winch cable, not a 13A supply from the closest pub!)
"You have reached your destination..."

Bet the phone call to the RAC was interesting too! :D