I couldnt resist buying it

I tried to upload a photo of the Edixa from Flickr but I guess I did something wrong :(
does anyone have any ideas how I can fix this please
I tried to upload a photo of the Edixa from Flickr but I guess I did something wrong :(
does anyone have any ideas how I can fix this please

  1. Use box with arrow
  2. Select bbcode
  3. Select size
  4. Copy url
  5. Paste here
Edit you worked it just as I posted lovely camera.
My first SLR was an Edixa Prismaflex which my father gave me in 1981. I still have it and two more.

I bought it because i thought it looked good now i just need to learn how to use it ha ha its been over 25 years since i used a slr . I guess buying it has rebooted my mojo for photography
Beautiful piece of equipment there, have fun using.
@jsud2002 , now all you've got to do is tell us all about it and your fillum adventures over in the fillum section John,,,,come and join us
I bought one new in 1961, it was a top camera then. From memory it cost me 9 weeks wages :(