Critique I do love a staircase

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I'm heavily into urban exploring and as such I see lots of staircases. I love them when they neglected. Something beautiful about them. This is one of my recent ones. I really like it.

I like this.
The light coming from above makes me want to go up and see what's up there.
Thanks, the lighting from above makes it for me. It was a boarding school. The rest of the photos can be found on my website link below. It was called the Abbey School.
Any criticisms? How about the processing, could something else of worked better?
properly saturate the colour or selectively saturate the different channels to give the scene more grit? also more clarity in the process to increase the micro contrast?

like the shot a lot tho
I like it very much. I like the detail and the thought of who might have used the staircase.

The more understated first one is better I think, the second one doesn't add anything.

The only improvement I could see myself would be the inclusion of a figure somewhere (although that's not easy!)
I love shots like this and I like what you have done to both of them but I would have been less general in how you have processed the second image. It looks as though you have processed the whole image as one where it might have been better and a tad more sympathetic to the image if you used brushes to create the contrast in the colours. Just my opinion but they are still great images.
I love shots like this and I like what you have done to both of them but I would have been less general in how you have processed the second image. It looks as though you have processed the whole image as one where it might have been better and a tad more sympathetic to the image if you used brushes to create the contrast in the colours. Just my opinion but they are still great images.

I know what you mean. When I look at it now, the metal poles on the handrail were white before but more of a blue now.
That looks to be better Matt but I am on my kindle now not the laptop so will have a proper look tomorrow. I did not mean you to go changing it on my account though as it's what pleases you not me that's the important thing.
The difficulty I have is deciding whether to go up the stairs or out of the open doorway. The second image is very heavy and I agree with the suggestion of selective treatment otherwise you have an image full of potential.
I would've just given the original version a bit more contrast - your revised version looks slightly over-hyped. The blown highlights look uncomfortable in both - they draw the eye but don't reward the attention. Is that a shortcoming of the camera exposure or is it something fixable?
I will try the original later with a little more contrast. Thanks for the feedback guys.
Really couldn't resist popping in here - I do like a staircase too :)

Absolutely agree with all the comments above re: the light and the processing.
The one thing that I would have loved to see experimented with here though is a portrait aspect shot of it - maybe from lower down so that there's more of an impression of looking up the staircase.
There looks to be some very interesting plasterwork on the coving at the top of the wall LHS which I think a lower angle would emphasise.
I also think a portrait orientation would really make the staircase the star of the photo . . . as it is, part of me is drawn away from the staircase and aross the hallway to the other doors.