I want to be Optimus Nikon Prime!

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Hello Chaps,

I got a Nikon D90 in late 2008, and my photography has been very lacking to say the least. For some reason visiting the fiddy threads has began my love. So much so.. I don't want to shoot anything but prime! Is this a strange philosophy or desire, or are there other prime photographers out there?

My plan is as follows.


Nikon 14-24MM (I know this isnt prime, but I dont want to be getting wide angle lenses for each length! Aim to have by March)

Nikon 28MM 2.8 AF (to be delivered soon)
Nikon 50MM 1.8 AF (Got it, started my love)
Nikon 85MM 1.8 AF (Aiming to buy by May maybe sooner) (Decided to buy the 1.8 of fellow TP member :) )
Nikon 135MM 2.0 AF (Aiming to buy by Aug)
Nikon 200MM 2.0 AF (If I win the lotto ;) )

Then finally in September 2010 or around that time I aim to get the latest FX mid-range i.e. the next itteration of the D700

Is this sound logic, or am I limiting myself to certain benefits of other lenses? The way I see it is, the 135 should cover any Theatre photography I do, or concerts I go to. The 85mm should be fine for taking pictures of the baby just walking around parks etc, the length should give me enough room to take fairly good pictures. I know lumbering all of these would be much for a walk around photographer, but I am not one of those.

Any ideas or changes you have would be much welcome. Like the Nikon 85mm 1.4, is it as sharp as the 1.8.


Some lovely lenses there - if you want to do portraits then you've picked the right lenses. The 200 is a gem, as are the others!

I dont know much about the 28mm 2.8 - is this one of the cheaper wide angles Nikon do?

It was an impulse purchase of the forums. Its in great condition though. I am really thinking longterm, since the 28mm on the d90 isn't that amazing when considering the crop factor, it will be great on the d700 when I eventually get one. I was also a bit naive in away. As the 28mm 2.8 MF 8/8 with CRC is the don, and not the AF. The MF lens is apparently crystal sharp, I hope the 6/6 is good.

I learned that Nikon owners have NAS.. and I think I have it now after coming to these forums. I want to sell of my "unused toys" like the PS3, Xbox 360 and the 100 odd games that they have to get more Prime lenses.. I am going mad..
These lenses look very good, but you know it is not only about the glass. The light is perhaps the most important component, followed by imagination, skill and planning. I have seen too many poor photos taken with £1k lenses and £2k cameras posted on flickr and some in here.
You may not want to hear this...

but I would check out the 24-70mm 2.8 and 70-200mm 2.8 since they are superb lenses and will work wonderfully with the D700/D700s/D800 and stick with the 50mm you already have.

If you ever have enough cash after trying to buy every Prime on the planet! :razz:

If you are taking shots of your kids you will really need to use a zoom when they start walking/running.

I do not think any of the lenses you are looking to buy have VR, which is worth considering....

Are they all FX lenses?
Although the 14-24mm isn't a prime, from the reviews I have read it sounds like it acts like one, it's a stunning lens.

I was reading the reviews on photozone and compared the 85mm 1.4 and 1.8, from the review I'm not sure if the 1.4 is worth the extra £600~. Each to their own though, and maybe worth a look.


I would love to acquire all that glass in just one year :love:
14-24 AF-S, had it for only a few hours before I returned it. Got the 17-35 instead; and, while not as good, it's still a formidable lens.

85 f/1.4; an excellent lens. Is it worth the extra £££. No, but the f/1.8 can't give you 1.4 so in that sense it is worth every bit. Not just for low light use, but if you're into such shallow depth of field then it's the one to buy. Bokeh, at f/1.8 upwards, they are very close.

135 f/2; that would be the AF-D DC lens :shrug:. It's a lot of money for the DC function mainly. It is a very sharp lens and worth every £££. But think closely if you really want the DC function or not. Otherwise, the Sigma 105 f/2.8 macro, Tamron 90 f/2.8 macro are 1/3 the price. The Nikon 105 f/1.5 macro is 1/2 the price. It's a lot of money for the DC and that extra bit in f stops.

200mm, is that the f/2 AF-S VR or the f/4 AF-D macro? Either are razor sharp and again, worth their pennies. The 200 f/2 AF-S VR is just :love: :love: :love:; but it's crazy prices, heavy, and huge. Did I mention huge? It's huge and can be very intimidating; but please, if you ever get the chance / change to buy it, and you don't, then you really need to be seen by someone who's good at knocking your head with a hammer.

I went down the Prime NAS route a while ago; cost me dearly, and only helped to empty my bank account while making my camera bag heavier! Frankly, it is something to think very closely about.

From all that range you have suggested., it was suggested to you, the two 24-70 AF-S and 70-200 AF-S VR would be exceptionally sharp, fast, magical bokeh, colour rendition and image quality will blow your sochs off. They're both got 77ø filter threads, so an investment in good B+W CP would be practical.
14-24 AF-S, had it for only a few hours before I returned it. Got the 17-35 instead; and, while not as good, it's still a formidable lens.
.............................. etc.

From all that range you have suggested., it was suggested to you, the two 24-70 AF-S and 70-200 AF-S VR would be exceptionally sharp, fast, magical bokeh, colour rendition and image quality will blow your sochs off. They're both got 77ø filter threads, so an investment in good B+W CP would be practical.

Why did you take back the 14-24?
It has an exceptionally good reputation.
I have it in mind for the future to compliment my 24-70 Nikkor.
Thanks for the great tips offered guys.

I remember reading in a magainze a while back that you could part trade in a D80 for a D90, is it possible to trade in the d90 up to the d700? Paying up for the remainder?

I can see that there is nothing cheaper than the 1500 price offer if any of you know other deals I'd really appreciate a link. I am thinking of getting rid of my 360 with 60 games. Plus a few other bits, if I can get about 600 for the D90 and Kit lens the d700 looks like a great deal..
you remind me of me, im only 16 so its not a legacy thing but i do love primes, i only have a 50mm f1.7 at the moment but i want to get a 35mm and 85mm but sony only have f1.4 versions which cost more than an arm and a leg.
Get the 28mm f/2.8 AI-s - it's superb. I managed to pick one up off e-bay for £65 ! :D

Agree with what was said about the 70-200 VR f/2.8 too - It's an amazing lens.
Get the 28mm f/2.8 AI-s - it's superb. I managed to pick one up off e-bay for £65 ! :D

Agree with what was said about the 70-200 VR f/2.8 too - It's an amazing lens.

I already got the AF from a TP Sale. I'll trawl around the bay to see if I can pick up a bargain like you. Crikey.. I am well tempted to buy the 85mm f1.8 after reading the Ken Rockwell piece.
....... I don't want to shoot anything but prime! Is this a strange philosophy or desire, or are there other prime photographers out there?
You're not alone and it's certainly not a strange philosophy (or maybe it is?).
I don't deny having the odd zoom in the cupboard but they only get used for casual family stuff, the kit used for more serious shooting is prime only.

Why did you take back the 14-24?
It has an exceptionally good reputation.
I have it in mind for the future to compliment my 24-70 Nikkor.

There is no mistaking it, the 14-24 f/2.8 AF-S is one of the best ever Nikon lens; so good that Canon users have adapted it to fit on Canon bodies. It's just a perfect lens.

However, for me there were two aspects about it which I didn't like.

First, and most important, not able to mount filters (yes, I've read, seen, gone and tested so many of the DIY hip-hop attempts, they don't work that good).

Second, it's too wide for my taste. On DX body, 14mm is pretty wide; on FX bodies, it's super-wide; and that's just too wide for my taste. I have the 17-35 AF-S, and it too, I am finding a bit too wide. As a matter of fact, I find even the 24mm end of the 24-70 AF-S to be a bit too wide.

Having said all that, I may buy one if I pick-up street photography with a bit more passion. It is ideal for that kind of photography (from my point of view).
You're not alone and it's certainly not a strange philosophy (or maybe it is?).
I don't deny having the odd zoom in the cupboard but they only get used for casual family stuff, the kit used for more serious shooting is prime only.


Prime Lens photography for me is being more involved with your subject. I get up close and personal and I move myself and the tripod around more. I just love the feeling of being able to take a quick shot, rather than adjusting the F, changing ISO, changing the length then by that time the mood has gone.

I took the below of my daughter whilst sat on my desk. The Ikea desk lamp was all that was providing the lighting. Shot @ ISO 1600 F1.8

I'm starting to use primes more and more, especially when traveling light. Currently have the 50mm f1.8 and 24mm f2.8, on the D700 they are awesome, looking to add the 85mm f1.8 soon.
Well this wouldnt be a propaganda thread for Primes if I didnt post any pictures up!

Here are two from the 85MM purchased today. I forgot to put centre focus on!


but I would check out the 24-70mm 2.8 and 70-200mm 2.8 since they are superb lenses and will work wonderfully with the D700/D700s/D800 and stick with the 50mm you already have.
Couldn't agree more.

Just a note on the 70-200mm f/2.8 though. If you think you may end up sticking with DX, the original VR should be plenty good enough (I love mine), but if you definitely intend to go with an FX body in the future, look at the VRII. The original VR has some issues with corners on a full frame body (that may or may not be an issue depending on what you shoot), the VRII was released to address this, and the VR technology has been improved in the VRII to give about an extra stop of use.
She's a real cutey, looks like a cracking piece of glass ;)

Leica have always been about primes rather than zooms, they are regarded as some of the best lens made with a price tag to match. The S2 looks a nice camera but at $33k I'd be scared walking out of the house with it!
A thread to watch, I'm contemplating short primes at the moment (35 f/2, 50 & 85 f/1.8) as I do a lot of long exposure work and I'm getting sick of zoom creep. Plus I can live with weight in the bag, just need to get it off the tripod.

Nothing would prise me away from my 70-200 2.8 (but the 200 f/2 might be a nice addition :D)